Friday, September 4, 2009

Franchise Welcome Letter

May 11, 2011. Meeting Space on Home Work.

  Next Friday May 13 will take place on space     Meeting on Home Work "Work knowing your rights. Taking Action:    
   thinking, contributing, resolving doubts, participating ... " organized Federation of Progressive Women and Community Center Casino      
   of the Queen. The space  will focus on the sector of working from home, trying to deal with information related to working conditions      
  of workers as well as national legislation      nuevas         propuestas internacionales    , reservando también un espacio para la           
   reflexión y las propuestas para la acción.   

   El espacio de encuentro tendrá lugar el:           
   Viernes 13, desde las 11 h. hasta las 13 h.,           
     Lugar: Centro Community   Casino Queen   (c / Casino, 3 )  
 program  Summary:      
  11:00 to 11:10 Welcome and Presentation      
  11:10 to 11:30  Testimonies: Watching videos    Association of     Home Workers Bizkaia.      
  Reflecting 11:30 to 11:50: Dynamics partiicpativa I      
 11:50 to 12:00 Break       
  12:00 to 12:20 to answer questions and participation: participatory Dynamics II      
   12:20 to 12:40 Passing Action:  sharing space, information, reflection, building on existing strategies and tools on      
  prevention and mitigation of workplace discrimination.      
 12:40 to 12:50 Evaluation and Farewell   
  that space, given the subject to be treated is especially      
  aimed at home workers and others in this reality, but      
  which of course is open to all the population that can be      
  of interest.      

March 30, 2011. International Day of working from home.

This year, as we pointed out the International Network of Domestic Workers (IDWN) is particularly important for workers / household is worldwide: the second and final reading of international labor standards, an ILO Convention , will be negotiated in June in Geneva. An ILO Convention , if adopted in June, will acknowledge a billion workers is the home and establish the basis for ensuring a minimum protection to a category of workers is more vulnerable.

This is the request and the demand for domestic workers worldwide. (*)

  • The recognition by governments and the rest of society of the social and economic role played by domestic workers .
  • respect for their dignity and their capabilities, training opportunities and be recognized as 'professionals'.
  • Compliance his right to a 'decent work'
  • Opportunities to speak for themselves and make their voices heard
  • recognition and identity of the work or
  • organizational skills training : to assist domestic workers to join unions or form their own organizations.
  • Major political and material support of its allies in trade unions, NGOs and advocacy groups their interests
  • Better research and understanding, and better quality information on the size, scope and role of housework and / workers involved.

Working from home is necessary work and professional, and the person holding a professional rights and obligations!

* Claims of domestic workers around the world, expressed in International Conference 'Respect and Rights' in Amsterdam in November 2006.

March 29 State Platform 2011.Nota press work from home. International Day of Household Workers.

Diocesan Caritas OF ALBACETE

Tomorrow, March 30, marks the International Day of Household Workers. This is an ideal opportunity to vindicate the rights of thousands of workers in an industry that is subject to severe job insecurity and in which, for example, there is no right to unemployment benefit, or is required to formalize a contract of employment written, the days exceeding 10 hours a day and in many cases, no right to enjoy a break continued weekly. Salaries, too often, do not reach the minimum professional.

Also, remember that home workers are not even acknowledged the accident. Although the State Budget Law for 2011 will be recognized for the first time the employment injury benefits under the Special Scheme for household use, that change has yet to regulate, and today, is not quoted by contingency accidents. This is another example of the extreme precariousness that affects this sector.

On the other hand, we appreciate the fact that 94% of people working in this sector are women. It is, also a highly desreguralizado sector, which is estimated that 65% of its workers are part of the economy. Today, throughout the State is claiming to have 731,400 households activity as employers of domestic staff (EPA data for the fourth quarter of 2010). However, in late February 2011 had only 292,106 people enrolled in the Special Scheme for Domestic Workers (205,696 continuous and discontinuous 86,410, according to the Statistical High / Low Social Security).

From the State Platform of Associations of Domestic Workers, we will assess the improvement of the Government to account for changes proposed for this 2011. For the first time, has regulated the inability of these workers earning less than the minimum wage and that can be effectively reduced their pay by payment in kind as well as the recognition of occupational accidents and providing matching sick leave common with the general scheme. These advances, however, seem insufficient, so we claim the maximum matching of labor rights and social security of these workers.
This requires the implementation of a reform containing, at least:
• Recognition of the unemployment benefit. Domestic workers are the ones that do not.
• written work contract binding in all cases.
• In the external and internal work, a daily maximum of 40 hours. It is necessary to erase the present time and in the case of carers, who enjoy a rest period of 10 hours between sessions.
• At night care work, a maximum period of 21 hours and 8 hours, no more than five days a week, with the obligation to pay all hours available to the employer.
• Rest day and a half followed a week, especially those working in domestic service.
• severance equal than in other sectors. Today we can dismiss the employee with compensation of 7 days per year or forced to go through a change of conditions, for example, shorter hours and salary. We propose the same treatment and the same compensation that apply to any other sector, both in case of dismissal if the employee chooses to rescind the contract because not being met the agreed conditions.
• Recruitment through public service employment or non-profit companies:
- Standardization of intermediation, so that is regulated to ensure that workers do not lose any rights and permit the inspection and control of the mediation.
- Disappearance of intermediary agencies that operate illegally profit at the expense of working from home.
- Administrative facilities for bureaucratic management of the mediation between families and workers.
• High in Social Security since the first hour of work. Today These days, domestic workers can only request the Social Security high in more than 18 hours per week, leaving out of that protection for many of them.
• ; obligation quote always divided between employer and worker. The home workers are required to pay the SS themselves if they work in more than one address, regardless of the time they have.
• Recognition of the work being done foreigners, including their right to register with Social Security. Immigrant workers in our country are caring for a significant proportion of dependents, but until they have "papers" can not register with Social Security. This situation may last for several years. How are you people are helping to meet the needs of care, in practice allowed to work, but are not recognized by all rights.

On 12 March Teofila FO, a home worker who was developing work in Santurce, died rushing vacuum when cleaning the windows of the home where she worked. Teofilo, who had been hired through a private placement and was not discharged on Social Security, spent several years working in the care of elderly and was in an irregular legal situation.

hope that this day serves to bring to light the situation of thousands of women working in this sector and do so with very poor working conditions.
Madrid, March 29, 2011 .- State Platform of Domestic Workers

March 18, 2011. Unions condemn the death of the working uninsured in Santurtzi

Associations and friends are protesting to demand "justice" to learn that the employer that the employee was released after his arrest

Relatives and friends of the Paraguayan woman who died on Saturday March 12 after falling to Santurtzi empty when working without being affiliated to the Social Security in cleaning the windows of a house is said on the 18th of March, from six in the evening, in Portugalete. The protest was organized by the Association of Domestic Workers of Biscay and comes amid a climate of "outrage" after it emerged that the businessman who paid the salary of the irregular immigrant was freed shortly after being arrested for Municipal Police.

"The system does not work"
SOS-Racisme said yesterday that the death of the employee's home is a symptom "That the current system does not work." "It is not the first time this has happened and workers are afraid to report their situation because they fear being deported," said a spokesman. DesdeUGT Euskadi launched a similar message: "Our union is committed to a regulatory filing that enables specific allegations of abusive situations in the sector, with attendant penalties for the employer." Sources


December 6, 2010. Awareness campaign. Employment Bureau downtown district.

This document is a letter from a household worker your employer / a. This material, created by the Working Committee of the Bureau of Home Employment Center District, aims to put the accent on the actual working conditions of these employees, and inform the population at large about the existence of legislation regulating these conditions, raise awareness and encourage compliance with the minimum requirements set by law in the pursuance of sound industrial relations.

Letter to / a employer / a

July 16, 2010. First round victory in the struggle of the ILO for domestic workers