Saturday, May 7, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Shower


By: Abelardo Oviedo Duquesne
Photos: Randy Alonso Pages

If Hermes, the messenger god of Greek god, you must submit a letter to Dr. Ramon Ricardo Aguilera spend much time in the gym to find Weightlifting Training Center for Cerro Pelado without wearing the white coat, the doctor looks like a dot competitor ado by the Hellenic gods. For anything that evaluation is an exaggeration. It is precisely the result of a behavior.

At nine years old on Holguin was the first time, the "iron" in his hands and remained faithful to this discipline. The start was somewhat unusual. Jorge Zaldivar, your neighbor, was an ardent practitioner and every evening made a major exercise in the backyard. As it happened, on the ground adjacent the child watched the movements of one athlete on behalf propia.Un day he received a surprise. Huey, as his countryman tell Alcides Pino neighborhood, invited him to also discover the truths of world records and crowbars. Later, he also absorbed the advice of Rafael German, his fourth-grade teacher, whose passion for lifting beyond any forecast.

Unlike others, the fine of the town near the Loma de la Cruz, only devoted his efforts to lift weights other specialties as dazzled least their retinas. In his eloquent dedication earned a place on the computers in your province contestants in battle between School Sports Initiation Schools (EIDE), National School Games and Juveniles.Y then formed sets of Medical Sciences faculty participating in the Games Galenos . He competed in the event one year after college graduation, as allowed by regulation. Camagüey in 1990, was the scene of his departure from active sports. They added three sub leaders in the 75 kg division, ten titles harvested throughout his career as an athlete. Remained intact but his best individual performance, reached when it belonged to the categories below: 120 in snatch and 150 in clean and jerk for a total of 270 kilograms.

inexplicable "decision?
Why not study medicine and Bachelor of Physical Culture and Sport, asked a lot when they learned that the boy would direct their careers by the Health sector. However, that position was no surprise to Don Ramon, his father, who formerly worked for the special service for taxis in the northeastern province Cuban CIA, nor to Doña Cecilia, her mother, a housewife with a ten-point rating on a scale of equal rank. Both knew that Grandpa Henry (father of Cecilia) always spoke of the importance of having a physician in his time, for low-income families because he and integrate the group of peasants often evicted by the rural police, was due to see sick children whose families had no money to call the doctor and then buy the medicine.

The media avoids being Holguin. Says an ancient phrase that the third time's the charm. Bohemia expected that in the worst case, that meant the negative digit Ramon to establish dialogue. False speculation. The exchange began after five applications.

La primera parada
"La etapa de estudiante universitario fue muy bonita y la recuerdo con mucho agrado. Además de los temas de medicina interna, sentía preferencia por la pediatría, cirugía y ortopedia. Concluí los estudios en 1989 con un promedio de 4,12 puntos. Inmediatamente de terminar, gané una de las plazas asignadas a los graduados para cumplir misión internacionalista. Antes de viajar a Zambia recibí una preparación sobre diferentes áreas de trabajo.

“El entorno de Chipata es muy similar al de Pinares de Mayarí. Ese paisaje contribuyó a disminuir la inevitable nostalgia que surge cuando uno está lejos de casa. En esa nación africana crecí profesionalmente, because diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, diseases that had never faced, and witnessed, at close range, the impact of HIV (AIDS) in humans.

makeshift family
"My first patient was a young man of 25 who had only two grams of hemoglobin. I applied the proper treatment and said she could go home. He remained in place for long, because I had no money to take the bus or walking shoes for the 40 kilometers to the village where he lived. Then I take him to the house where he lay. I gave her a pair of sneakers and money for transportation. A month later he returned to the office with his wife. Health was better. In a sign of gratitude brought her young cock to give it to me. We set out to do a family meal and held them until the next day in my stay.

Daniel ... unforgettable "One day I got to Daniel. Was five and heart failure due to severe anemia. In the hospital there was no blood and he mumbled a few words. I asked the nurse and said, "I asked not let it die." Unfortunately, your blood group was different from mine. During the night, breathing slowly lost until he died.

Businessmen ...
"Before returning enjoyed attempted bribery. In order to attend only to their families, a group of businessmen in front of the house put a VW car that year (1991), in addition, the proposal for a contract to a private clinic and a six-month a residence with all expenses paid. Lost time.

Back to the neighborhood
"Between 1992 and 1996 shared with fellow again, because in the neighborhood clinic did Alcides Pino studies in General Comprehensive Medicine (MGI). In this period increased my knowledge because even learned acupuncture and neural therapy. The latter method is often used to treat injuries.

Entre dos aguas "At the same time came the possibility of integrating the Cuban medical delegation to provide collaboration in South Africa, gave me the second specialty: Sports Medicine. Practices began in the second year with the youth team weightlifting in the country. In 1998, despite being resident, asked the Cuban federation to address the Institute of Sports Medicine (IMD) my transfer to the national set greater than preparing Games for Central American & Caribbean Maracaibo, Venezuela.

"This period of work was very important. During the Pan American Games in Winnipeg, Canada in 1999, some people wanted to discredit the prestige of Cuban sports and accused the lifters of using nandrolone. Together with other partners formed a task force led by Fidel Castro. My responsibility was to demonstrate by the medical monitoring of training, the falsity of the issues raised by the antidoping laboratory of that Canadian city.

pulling the hoop
"The two seasons with the women's basketball team (2001-2003) proved advantageous. Some research on aerobic metabolism with Dr. Ana Doris Ramirez established a test for measuring anaerobic power in girls lactating. This result was powerful, he served as technicians to perfect the game philosophy.

Committed to important results
"At the end of 2003 created working groups to address potential medalists in athletics at the Olympic Games of Athens 2004. I was assigned to Osleydi Menéndez. I was with her all the time and did 71.53 gold medal and the record of the competition.
"The following year I went through by a delicate situation. A few days before the world championships in Helsinki, Finland, she suffered a tear in the anterior tibial muscle of the left leg, the imperative for the last gesture of those tips before launch. The infiltrated with neural therapy and recommended him to make the greatest effort in the first attempt. Met my indication and ratified by their coach. Reached the title and the World Cup with 71.70 meters altitude.

Again "complicated"
"Recently there is a national pre weightlifting, women's classification. The members have poor health due to the excellent educational group cohesion in terms of training systems. This facilitates the development of technical and prevent the onset of injury. I am very committed to this group because their technicians asked my services to the directors of IMD. I'm not obsessed with the biomedical control training. I consider myself persistent and constant observer. I keep copies of the tests applied and they serve me, among other details, to compare one sport to another and to start research work. "

irrefutable" All professions have their maximum. Those that violate put in important risk trajectories. For a doctor it is unavoidable to alleviate, cause the sign of joy in one patient.

Lessons home
"Modern life up at a dizzying pace, hectic. But this does not justify ignore the lessons learned at home. Never forget the humanistic, supportive, because my grandfather had a positive impact on me and I studied the medical career. Nor will erase from my memory of my mother's persistence to stand in as planned. Neither the verticality of my dad to uphold the principles of Cuban society. "

again Laureate Just when
February meeting, the day saying goodbye Scientific Institute of Sports Medicine. In the lecture room and other rooms of the energized enclosure, agreed the workers of different s department of the institution, in pursuit of knowing the significance of the analysis of their peers.
One speaker was Ramon Ricardo laureate for his work muscle rupture treated with neural therapy. The research demonstrates the effectiveness of the therapy and the scientific evidence is the ultrasound images before being applied and four days later. During that time she was healed injury Tamara Hernandez, Captain selected from weightlifting.

Although considered an all-terrain physician still must climb some steep Ramon to become another favorite of Zeus, king of the gods of Olympus. Access to the top of a title will be awarded the Doctor of Science in Physical Culture and Sport. Conquer the summit, access to a teacher and then categorizing stamp their mark on the formation of new peers.

Watch Backlight With Afterglow

road to pre-Olympic road

By Abelardo Oviedo Duquesne
Photo Courtesy of FIBA \u200b\u200b

According to the Aztec calendar, the world will disappear in 2012. But while that claim actually becomes a part of the national screening basketball, women's classification to, will continue until June 11 to prepare a tour through Europe and Asia, in order to reach top form in pre-Olympic competition at the Americas Cup to be hosted by the Colombian city of Neiva.

The tour has a high requirement, since the accused basketball technical and tactical level significant in Spain and China. The students of Eduardo Moya Alberto Zabala and participate in a tournament in Madrid, the English capital, which also will feature Canada. In Bilbao discussed with two clubs in that city. Three matches held in Chinese villages. The opposition will lower in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the first stop on the itinerary. Germany and Latvia will participate in the meeting scheduled for London, home of the Games coming summer. Confronting

combined English and Chinese institutions, will enable the West Indian test formulations offensive and defensive under severe consequences. And that requirement will increase the capabilities of the girls to get the square only fair to grant Estivales London Games in 2012. Or one of the three visas offered by the Olympic qualifying tournament for the world.

yet selected any country of the sports division ball has the Olympic ticket. In qualifying this summer to attend the event, among others, the selected men's basketball and volleyball. And if the earth continues to rotate on its imaginary axis in 2012, contrary to what is stated in the almanac of the Aztecs, it is likely that the maximum quadrennial sports festival the Cuban basketball players acquire high-profile wins against opponents with enlarged fitness and exceed the best international action: third place in Malaysia Mundobasket (1990) and fourth in the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.