Saturday, May 7, 2011

Watch Backlight With Afterglow

road to pre-Olympic road

By Abelardo Oviedo Duquesne
Photo Courtesy of FIBA \u200b\u200b

According to the Aztec calendar, the world will disappear in 2012. But while that claim actually becomes a part of the national screening basketball, women's classification to, will continue until June 11 to prepare a tour through Europe and Asia, in order to reach top form in pre-Olympic competition at the Americas Cup to be hosted by the Colombian city of Neiva.

The tour has a high requirement, since the accused basketball technical and tactical level significant in Spain and China. The students of Eduardo Moya Alberto Zabala and participate in a tournament in Madrid, the English capital, which also will feature Canada. In Bilbao discussed with two clubs in that city. Three matches held in Chinese villages. The opposition will lower in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the first stop on the itinerary. Germany and Latvia will participate in the meeting scheduled for London, home of the Games coming summer. Confronting

combined English and Chinese institutions, will enable the West Indian test formulations offensive and defensive under severe consequences. And that requirement will increase the capabilities of the girls to get the square only fair to grant Estivales London Games in 2012. Or one of the three visas offered by the Olympic qualifying tournament for the world.

yet selected any country of the sports division ball has the Olympic ticket. In qualifying this summer to attend the event, among others, the selected men's basketball and volleyball. And if the earth continues to rotate on its imaginary axis in 2012, contrary to what is stated in the almanac of the Aztecs, it is likely that the maximum quadrennial sports festival the Cuban basketball players acquire high-profile wins against opponents with enlarged fitness and exceed the best international action: third place in Malaysia Mundobasket (1990) and fourth in the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.


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