Monday, February 7, 2011

Condom Vending Machines In Canada

5 years, more than 500 entries Carrodeguas . COM ... LPtG

about five years ago began to create a personal blog way to pass the time, a blog that I decided to call Rahkephon's Corner (a word without meaning or special significance was only a pseudonym he used online). A personal space where you upload and share my paranoia and goings of pot. Since then and after many re-structuring and change of name (up to the present, Carrodeguas . Com which Ockham's Razor) and an average of 14,946 people who drop by here to see what's written up the current blog you're viewing.

Other projects have fallen by the way, as "Professor of Computer " where up activities and support for primary teachers while working as a professor of computer science at the 'Colegio La Salle' Ferrol but other opening appearing steadily as Let's Play the Games HD, you can find both Youtube or the newly opened " Carrodeguas.COM: Cara B " with daily updates , where I'll include anything that has no place here.

After 5 years, more than 500 entries and with much still to say, thank you very much everyone.


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