Monday, December 21, 2009

Fox Racibg Iphone Case

just this year just a decade

ends era finally ends the world

laculebrona but just do not stop!

the vertigo witch prophesied many new pa adventuritas what's next, enter insurance rather than their ears!

continue sharpening
for now recording our second album CHALLE , that although we tried, was unable to decide this year & is sure that will be released early next year. do not miss it, chicxs.

just finished, you'll see.


hate & death to the terrible tragedy of celebrity these days
election in the country poult Shilo.

s political prisoners around the world: let us
en paz!

como siempre, os queremos fuera de nuestras vidas
& en lo posible muert@s.

solo la libertad
como único ideal posible.



Monday, November 23, 2009

Milena Velba 12 Years Old


Algo terrible pasa con Laculebrona...

El flagelo de la piratería, ese execrable i bellísimo crimen, ha llegao a despertarle, i por esos azares del sino lunático ha producido la PRIMERA Y ÚLTIMA TOCATA DE ESTE AÑO!

Esta versión pirata... será mejor i más guapa than the original? You can only find

attending Okupa ODIOPUNK (Aldunate # 1566, Victoria Square, Valparaiso) this SATURDAY November 28 at 19:00!

This public display of impudence and immorality is in the context of the release of issue number 7 of SYNAPSE VIDEOREVISTA , by the PRODUCER OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATION.

liven up the day at crawling distance from Juan Trovador and Third World ideology .
The event will be alcohol and smoke free and entry is just $ 1000 with videorevista including .

** See you out there hacking?



Friday, September 4, 2009

Franchise Welcome Letter

May 11, 2011. Meeting Space on Home Work.

  Next Friday May 13 will take place on space     Meeting on Home Work "Work knowing your rights. Taking Action:    
   thinking, contributing, resolving doubts, participating ... " organized Federation of Progressive Women and Community Center Casino      
   of the Queen. The space  will focus on the sector of working from home, trying to deal with information related to working conditions      
  of workers as well as national legislation      nuevas         propuestas internacionales    , reservando también un espacio para la           
   reflexión y las propuestas para la acción.   

   El espacio de encuentro tendrá lugar el:           
   Viernes 13, desde las 11 h. hasta las 13 h.,           
     Lugar: Centro Community   Casino Queen   (c / Casino, 3 )  
 program  Summary:      
  11:00 to 11:10 Welcome and Presentation      
  11:10 to 11:30  Testimonies: Watching videos    Association of     Home Workers Bizkaia.      
  Reflecting 11:30 to 11:50: Dynamics partiicpativa I      
 11:50 to 12:00 Break       
  12:00 to 12:20 to answer questions and participation: participatory Dynamics II      
   12:20 to 12:40 Passing Action:  sharing space, information, reflection, building on existing strategies and tools on      
  prevention and mitigation of workplace discrimination.      
 12:40 to 12:50 Evaluation and Farewell   
  that space, given the subject to be treated is especially      
  aimed at home workers and others in this reality, but      
  which of course is open to all the population that can be      
  of interest.      

March 30, 2011. International Day of working from home.

This year, as we pointed out the International Network of Domestic Workers (IDWN) is particularly important for workers / household is worldwide: the second and final reading of international labor standards, an ILO Convention , will be negotiated in June in Geneva. An ILO Convention , if adopted in June, will acknowledge a billion workers is the home and establish the basis for ensuring a minimum protection to a category of workers is more vulnerable.

This is the request and the demand for domestic workers worldwide. (*)

  • The recognition by governments and the rest of society of the social and economic role played by domestic workers .
  • respect for their dignity and their capabilities, training opportunities and be recognized as 'professionals'.
  • Compliance his right to a 'decent work'
  • Opportunities to speak for themselves and make their voices heard
  • recognition and identity of the work or
  • organizational skills training : to assist domestic workers to join unions or form their own organizations.
  • Major political and material support of its allies in trade unions, NGOs and advocacy groups their interests
  • Better research and understanding, and better quality information on the size, scope and role of housework and / workers involved.

Working from home is necessary work and professional, and the person holding a professional rights and obligations!

* Claims of domestic workers around the world, expressed in International Conference 'Respect and Rights' in Amsterdam in November 2006.

March 29 State Platform 2011.Nota press work from home. International Day of Household Workers.

Diocesan Caritas OF ALBACETE

Tomorrow, March 30, marks the International Day of Household Workers. This is an ideal opportunity to vindicate the rights of thousands of workers in an industry that is subject to severe job insecurity and in which, for example, there is no right to unemployment benefit, or is required to formalize a contract of employment written, the days exceeding 10 hours a day and in many cases, no right to enjoy a break continued weekly. Salaries, too often, do not reach the minimum professional.

Also, remember that home workers are not even acknowledged the accident. Although the State Budget Law for 2011 will be recognized for the first time the employment injury benefits under the Special Scheme for household use, that change has yet to regulate, and today, is not quoted by contingency accidents. This is another example of the extreme precariousness that affects this sector.

On the other hand, we appreciate the fact that 94% of people working in this sector are women. It is, also a highly desreguralizado sector, which is estimated that 65% of its workers are part of the economy. Today, throughout the State is claiming to have 731,400 households activity as employers of domestic staff (EPA data for the fourth quarter of 2010). However, in late February 2011 had only 292,106 people enrolled in the Special Scheme for Domestic Workers (205,696 continuous and discontinuous 86,410, according to the Statistical High / Low Social Security).

From the State Platform of Associations of Domestic Workers, we will assess the improvement of the Government to account for changes proposed for this 2011. For the first time, has regulated the inability of these workers earning less than the minimum wage and that can be effectively reduced their pay by payment in kind as well as the recognition of occupational accidents and providing matching sick leave common with the general scheme. These advances, however, seem insufficient, so we claim the maximum matching of labor rights and social security of these workers.
This requires the implementation of a reform containing, at least:
• Recognition of the unemployment benefit. Domestic workers are the ones that do not.
• written work contract binding in all cases.
• In the external and internal work, a daily maximum of 40 hours. It is necessary to erase the present time and in the case of carers, who enjoy a rest period of 10 hours between sessions.
• At night care work, a maximum period of 21 hours and 8 hours, no more than five days a week, with the obligation to pay all hours available to the employer.
• Rest day and a half followed a week, especially those working in domestic service.
• severance equal than in other sectors. Today we can dismiss the employee with compensation of 7 days per year or forced to go through a change of conditions, for example, shorter hours and salary. We propose the same treatment and the same compensation that apply to any other sector, both in case of dismissal if the employee chooses to rescind the contract because not being met the agreed conditions.
• Recruitment through public service employment or non-profit companies:
- Standardization of intermediation, so that is regulated to ensure that workers do not lose any rights and permit the inspection and control of the mediation.
- Disappearance of intermediary agencies that operate illegally profit at the expense of working from home.
- Administrative facilities for bureaucratic management of the mediation between families and workers.
• High in Social Security since the first hour of work. Today These days, domestic workers can only request the Social Security high in more than 18 hours per week, leaving out of that protection for many of them.
• ; obligation quote always divided between employer and worker. The home workers are required to pay the SS themselves if they work in more than one address, regardless of the time they have.
• Recognition of the work being done foreigners, including their right to register with Social Security. Immigrant workers in our country are caring for a significant proportion of dependents, but until they have "papers" can not register with Social Security. This situation may last for several years. How are you people are helping to meet the needs of care, in practice allowed to work, but are not recognized by all rights.

On 12 March Teofila FO, a home worker who was developing work in Santurce, died rushing vacuum when cleaning the windows of the home where she worked. Teofilo, who had been hired through a private placement and was not discharged on Social Security, spent several years working in the care of elderly and was in an irregular legal situation.

hope that this day serves to bring to light the situation of thousands of women working in this sector and do so with very poor working conditions.
Madrid, March 29, 2011 .- State Platform of Domestic Workers

March 18, 2011. Unions condemn the death of the working uninsured in Santurtzi

Associations and friends are protesting to demand "justice" to learn that the employer that the employee was released after his arrest

Relatives and friends of the Paraguayan woman who died on Saturday March 12 after falling to Santurtzi empty when working without being affiliated to the Social Security in cleaning the windows of a house is said on the 18th of March, from six in the evening, in Portugalete. The protest was organized by the Association of Domestic Workers of Biscay and comes amid a climate of "outrage" after it emerged that the businessman who paid the salary of the irregular immigrant was freed shortly after being arrested for Municipal Police.

"The system does not work"
SOS-Racisme said yesterday that the death of the employee's home is a symptom "That the current system does not work." "It is not the first time this has happened and workers are afraid to report their situation because they fear being deported," said a spokesman. DesdeUGT Euskadi launched a similar message: "Our union is committed to a regulatory filing that enables specific allegations of abusive situations in the sector, with attendant penalties for the employer." Sources


December 6, 2010. Awareness campaign. Employment Bureau downtown district.

This document is a letter from a household worker your employer / a. This material, created by the Working Committee of the Bureau of Home Employment Center District, aims to put the accent on the actual working conditions of these employees, and inform the population at large about the existence of legislation regulating these conditions, raise awareness and encourage compliance with the minimum requirements set by law in the pursuance of sound industrial relations.

Letter to / a employer / a

July 16, 2010. First round victory in the struggle of the ILO for domestic workers

Friday, May 8, 2009

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About Us

The Employment Bureau district Madrid Center is a meeting place and coordination, in which different professionals from different organizations, associations, private and public, reflect, discuss and analyze the socio-labor district set forth actions and lines of action to follow in order to respond in the extent possible, the needs that are emerging. Given the apparent instability
facing the sector of household and women who work there, was created in 2008 a commission special formed by the entities that make up the Bureau and focus their efforts on the fight against discrimination in employment, especially of women working in this sector.

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Women and Migration : The feminization of migration involves much more than the growing number of women migrant presence in the world: The role of women in migration from Latin America to Spain seems to be closely related to the existence of an unprecedented demand for immigrant labor in labor niches traditionally female-dominated, such as domestic service and care for the elderly, and more, if possible, if we talk about illegal immigration.
Data: In December 2008, foreign people with high Social Security was 1,882,213, of which 40% were women, down from the whole of the population affiliated to the Security Social (42.0%).
of women members, (794,148), approximately 20% of what was in the scheme employees of Home. It is estimated that 80% of immigrant women are "regularly or irregularly - employed in this sector. Features
r sectors: the domestic employment sector is currently marked by three key aspects: the perception or ideology of care, which, being secular by women, socially undervalued; the phenomenon of migration and relations that develop in it.
This makes it an industry characterized by informality and precariousness, among other things: less wages than other jobs in the same category, seasonality, lack of formal contract, no right to unemployment benefits, social impairment and industrial relations based on trust and personal relationships.
The lack of comparable legislation in other sectors that suffers is the result of all this, providing feedback to the perpetuation of instability. The
gender variable, the main explanatory variable of that precarious and informal sector, joining two others that enhance these characteristics, such as ethnicity and class variables : 80% of women working in this sector are women immigrants, "as labor needed, but little or no power to pressure on the institutions.
Regarding industrial relations, it continues to enhance and even required in some cases, a servile relationship between employer and employee / a. Especially clear in cases where the employee is internal.
Challenge: This is where the paradox occurs: the person must know how to do everything, and everything right, "in a professional and responsible, but is still" the girl. "
The professionalization of the sector will not happen without a change in mentality that banished once and for all that, "the girl" by "the workers."

(A look at gender-domestic employment sector)

Job discrimination is another manifestation of gender inequalities that women suffer. Employment discrimination suffered by immigrant women puts further highlights these inequalities. The range of possibilities offered by the labor market for immigrant women is much smaller than that of men, are fundamentally they occupy social and economic activities underestimated Such is the case of domestic service.

rights of domestic workers in the event that pay into Social Security, are always lower than those of other sectors and, last but not least, in many cases not met.

The basic objective that we have raised in this research is to address the situation of domestic workers from a gender perspective, not only because it is feminized sector par excellence, but also and above all, because this is the variable explains the essence of the sector: its informality and precariousness.

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This document is intended to reflect the trends in home job in terms of working conditions.
The collection of data information has been revealed as significant as that over 2010 have been mainstream offerings in requesting internal staff work at home, 78% of offers Federation reached 13% as compared to external and 9% as part-time job. Of the total 91% combined offers cleaning and care (either under either elderly, sick or disabled). Fitting
point out that in most cases involving child care tasks than usual would be the existence of two or three children at home, 73% of cases, whereas in the case of dependent care 69% of cases involve the care of an individual. It is clear the blurring of work and little information upon which bids arise. Meeting together with a large number of them in which explicit three or four tasks, they are translated into multiple daily operational tasks to be performed. As for the wages offered, and based on net wages that employees receive (what should be added contributions to Social Security) shows that the majority of salaries, 68% of the total, are located between 650 and 800 € a month, there being no offer of more than € 950 monthly income. In the case of tenders involving care tasks three or more members of the family unit continues the previous trend being the band of 650 to 800 € the most common.

If we consider the extra pay seems interesting that women are entitled to receive at least two half-payments a year (working as an internal or external) about 60% of cases is specified their existence, and even improvement proposed in the royal decree.

Regarding the intention to enlist in the employee Social Security or comment that is in 62% of cases in which explicit at the time of the offer intended to make it effective.
This graph shows which are the main requirements that meet employer requests staff to work from home.

Finally we can refer to the geographic location of work, ie, district or neighborhood of Madrid is home.

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HOUSEWORK AND IMMIGRATION Law: Your rights and duties as an employee or employer / a

The Special arrangements Domestic Workers, regulated by Royal Decree 1424/1985 of 1 August , regulates labor rights and duties of workers in this sector.
This is a regime that has not been reviewed for over 20 years and establishes a royalty level well below the general scheme or self-employed persons, which is imposed on other workers.

BASIC GUIDE FOR EMPLOYEES (Federation of Progressive Women)

BASIC GUIDE FOR EMPLOYERS / AS (Federation of Progressive Women)


There is a guarantee is common to all the / workers, and is called the minimum wage, which is determined each year by the Government through a Royal Decree. In 2011 the fixed amount is € 641.40 (€ 8,979.60 per year) for full-time jobs, and of 5.02 € / hour, if work discontinuous or hours.
However, the framework legislation and basic minimum conditions, which may negotiate individual agreements between the incumbent of the household or employer and the employee / year worker, if it satisfies the conditions contained in the decree.

This would have created a number of pay scales for guidance you can see: Table

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Can we solve any of your questions as an employee?

"I can work on other activity with the restricted work permit Domestic Service?
In principle no. You can only work in another activity if you change your work permit. Usually take longer to answer you, so please come to advise you on how to do it.
Only people of Peruvian nationality and Chile have no restrictions or geographical or activity.

Is it mandatory that I do contract work in domestic service?
not required to do so in writing. But if you ask, he or the employer to have to, so if you demand at the beginning and once we've started to work.
Having a written contract has many advantages: It clarifies the conditions of work (assignments, etc.) And avoids misunderstandings, and, moreover, he can show the employment relationship to others, and this will help us to renew the work permit, apply for family reunification, demonstrate social roots, apply for citizenship, borrow money in the bank, etc.

Can I be required to work, for example, nine o'clock, nine of the night?
The maximum work week is 40 hours, you are external or internal.
If you work as an intern will also work 40 hours a week but the law allows a time of "presence", which must remain at home but we have to dedicate ourselves to the usual household chores. The daily limits present time are:
- two hours off for meals and eight hours of rest between rounds.
- They can not forbid you leave home, unless you are in contact hours agreed. Overtime is the excess of your journey that you have previously agreed.

Is high and low Security Social I am required to make as an employee?
Depending on the hours required to work depends on one or the other party.
If you work less than 20 hours per week required runs in your account. Although Social Security requires working at least 72 hours per month, for 12 days to accept that high. If this is your case, you have to be yourself that you sign up in the Social Security Treasury, filling the Model TA-1, to obtain the Social Security number for the first time, and the Model 1221 , with which you sign up, remove or modify your data.
If your journey exceeds 20 hours is the employer responsible for carrying out formalities high and low, which will fill the Model T-6, to register as the employers, and the Model 1211 to sign up as workers.

What is the amount of the contribution of the domestic worker to Social Security ?
The contribution amount varies each year. For this year 2009 stood at € 160.18.
If your journey is less than 20 hours per week are you, as a worker, which must meet the payment.
However, if your journey is equal to or greater than those 20 hours, the payment will be mostly the person who employs us, but you'll have to also make a small part. For 2009 the rates are: € 133.24 for individual employers and € 26.94 for the employee.

Do I have right is quitting if my contract has not yet ended?
The maids you are not obliged to keep the job until the end of the contract, you are entitled to leave work if they so decide. The only difference is that if you are that you have just the working relationship you have no right to compensation.
Regardless of the cause for which the contract is over you must sign the release, a document confirming that the employer we handed over the settlement and do not owe us anything.
is important not to sign this document if you are not sure the numbers are correct, once you do not have option to claim.

My contract ends soon and if not renew. Do I have the right to any benefits?
There are several reasons that can terminate an employment relationship, either because the contract is over, like your case, or because you decide what you ...
Regardless of the cause that kills the employment relationship have the right to get paid, the wages of working days that month and the proportion that corresponds to you of the extra payments and vacations that you enjoyed (settlement) .
But if not you who ends up with this working relationship is also entitled to receive compensation which is equivalent to 7 days' wages per year worked.

Is it true that I have the right to pay extra?
is absolutely true. The extra payments or special arrangements established by the Special Employment Home are two year, one in the summer period and another at Christmas / winter. The level of pay should be at least equivalent to half a monthly salary, which will correspond, at least two half-pay.
If you're working for hours, this money will you include in each monthly salary, prorated.

Do I have to work holidays?
Over the year there are officially 14 days holidays for workers. These days, marked by each Autonomous Community, you have to work but you will not be entitled to deductions from wages and also are not recoverable, ie not have to work those hours another day. In any case, if you want to work should pay you as normal days or days off to compensate alternative.

How many vacation days under me? Do I have the right to pay me?
have 30 calendar days (Monday-Sunday) vacation per year worked, 15 of them can be continued, while the other 15 are negotiated and can be distributed throughout the year or together with the previous. You have the right to collect your salary these days. Plus you have the right to know the date of your holiday with two months in advance.
These conditions apply to the different modes (internal, external or hours).
Although you work for a year you are entitled to a proportionate share of holidays.

Monday, April 20, 2009

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Can we solve any of your questions as an employer / a?


When a person wants to enlist in Social Security to an employee home, must appear in the Territorial Treasury of the SS and request the necessary forms, which will be provided free to communicate discharge, with the data and signature of worker fixed and employer, Model TA-6, with data / a householder who is not listed enrolled prior to communicating the registered employer a. The number assigned (code contribution account) will be the number employer's employer to remain the same even if you change employer / a. Due in the Territorial Treasury on the opening day of the worker or prior to this date. the same event may apply for direct debit payments or contributions to newsletters monthly income of fees.

To unsubscribe to the Social Security worker must request and complete the Model TA-1211 and communicate within 6 calendar days following the cessation.
The obligation to pay the Social Security / os working / is still / I is the employers / as (18.30% on the basis of contributions) and employee (3.70%). Although in practice many times is he or the employer who pays the whole.

The share of year 2009 for the exclusive and permanent service, amounts to € 160.18.
The fee for the year 2010 for the exclusive and permanent service, amounts to € 162.56. Discontinued

Employees: When the employee or work with multiple / as employer / or discontinuous nature as a home, the price, runs at its sole expense. In this case is the same / or used / or / that present the ModeloTA-1221 to apply for high or low.


The period of paid annual leave is 30 calendar days per year worked. Of these 30 days at least May 1 to be enjoyed on an ongoing basis, and for the other 15 should be agreed between the parties the appropriate mode of enjoyment, either attached to the 15 continuous or fragmented in other seasons, etc. It should be noted that workers staple / as in the hourly wage should be embedded in share of vacation so do not be remunerated at the time of enjoyment.


Within the daily work the employee / to internal / a has at least two hours for meals, not be counted as work on all types of employees as there must be a break of ten hours between work and one day, although this break may be reduced to eight hours in the case of workers who stay at home family.

Once the daily working time, and if the time spent that could have been agreed, the / a employee is not required / aa stay in the family home and may therefore leave it until it reaches the time to restart their work. The Weekly

the worker is entitled to a break of 36 hours, there is freedom to agree on the mode of enjoyment, so that, for example, instead of taken in each week to accumulate over periods of time (linked to holidays, etc.).. When they receive a weekly rest of 36 hours at least 24 must be consecutive, preferably coinciding with the day on Sunday, the other 12 hours taken in the manner agreed by the parties, or continued in respect of the minimum 24 hours, or on another day of the week, or even accumulating in the way described above.

addition to this weekly break the worker is entitled to enjoy the festivities general labor each year determines the Government through the appropriate calendar (Christmas, New Year, May 1, 1912 October, etc.)..


The maximum weekly ordinary time provided by law is 40 hours of actual work.


must first be said that no fees will be agreed by the parties, as these are free to determine, but there is no guarantee that it is common to all the / workers, and is the called minimum wage, which is determined each year by the Government through a Royal Decree. In 2009 the minimum wage is 624 € a month for 40 hour work week. In 2010, the amount set is € 633.30

However foregoing, the parties may agree a higher salary. This is the usual case because the salary offered will be fixed in relation to supply and market demand.
The legislation takes the form of basic and minimal, which means that it removes any special agreement made between the incumbent of the household or employer and the employee / year worker, if it satisfies the conditions contained in the decree.

Friday, March 20, 2009

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Dare to tell about your experience!

Are you an employer / a? Do you work in domestic service? Dare to tell about your experience, leaving your comments or questions.