Friday, May 8, 2009

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Can we solve any of your questions as an employee?

"I can work on other activity with the restricted work permit Domestic Service?
In principle no. You can only work in another activity if you change your work permit. Usually take longer to answer you, so please come to advise you on how to do it.
Only people of Peruvian nationality and Chile have no restrictions or geographical or activity.

Is it mandatory that I do contract work in domestic service?
not required to do so in writing. But if you ask, he or the employer to have to, so if you demand at the beginning and once we've started to work.
Having a written contract has many advantages: It clarifies the conditions of work (assignments, etc.) And avoids misunderstandings, and, moreover, he can show the employment relationship to others, and this will help us to renew the work permit, apply for family reunification, demonstrate social roots, apply for citizenship, borrow money in the bank, etc.

Can I be required to work, for example, nine o'clock, nine of the night?
The maximum work week is 40 hours, you are external or internal.
If you work as an intern will also work 40 hours a week but the law allows a time of "presence", which must remain at home but we have to dedicate ourselves to the usual household chores. The daily limits present time are:
- two hours off for meals and eight hours of rest between rounds.
- They can not forbid you leave home, unless you are in contact hours agreed. Overtime is the excess of your journey that you have previously agreed.

Is high and low Security Social I am required to make as an employee?
Depending on the hours required to work depends on one or the other party.
If you work less than 20 hours per week required runs in your account. Although Social Security requires working at least 72 hours per month, for 12 days to accept that high. If this is your case, you have to be yourself that you sign up in the Social Security Treasury, filling the Model TA-1, to obtain the Social Security number for the first time, and the Model 1221 , with which you sign up, remove or modify your data.
If your journey exceeds 20 hours is the employer responsible for carrying out formalities high and low, which will fill the Model T-6, to register as the employers, and the Model 1211 to sign up as workers.

What is the amount of the contribution of the domestic worker to Social Security ?
The contribution amount varies each year. For this year 2009 stood at € 160.18.
If your journey is less than 20 hours per week are you, as a worker, which must meet the payment.
However, if your journey is equal to or greater than those 20 hours, the payment will be mostly the person who employs us, but you'll have to also make a small part. For 2009 the rates are: € 133.24 for individual employers and € 26.94 for the employee.

Do I have right is quitting if my contract has not yet ended?
The maids you are not obliged to keep the job until the end of the contract, you are entitled to leave work if they so decide. The only difference is that if you are that you have just the working relationship you have no right to compensation.
Regardless of the cause for which the contract is over you must sign the release, a document confirming that the employer we handed over the settlement and do not owe us anything.
is important not to sign this document if you are not sure the numbers are correct, once you do not have option to claim.

My contract ends soon and if not renew. Do I have the right to any benefits?
There are several reasons that can terminate an employment relationship, either because the contract is over, like your case, or because you decide what you ...
Regardless of the cause that kills the employment relationship have the right to get paid, the wages of working days that month and the proportion that corresponds to you of the extra payments and vacations that you enjoyed (settlement) .
But if not you who ends up with this working relationship is also entitled to receive compensation which is equivalent to 7 days' wages per year worked.

Is it true that I have the right to pay extra?
is absolutely true. The extra payments or special arrangements established by the Special Employment Home are two year, one in the summer period and another at Christmas / winter. The level of pay should be at least equivalent to half a monthly salary, which will correspond, at least two half-pay.
If you're working for hours, this money will you include in each monthly salary, prorated.

Do I have to work holidays?
Over the year there are officially 14 days holidays for workers. These days, marked by each Autonomous Community, you have to work but you will not be entitled to deductions from wages and also are not recoverable, ie not have to work those hours another day. In any case, if you want to work should pay you as normal days or days off to compensate alternative.

How many vacation days under me? Do I have the right to pay me?
have 30 calendar days (Monday-Sunday) vacation per year worked, 15 of them can be continued, while the other 15 are negotiated and can be distributed throughout the year or together with the previous. You have the right to collect your salary these days. Plus you have the right to know the date of your holiday with two months in advance.
These conditions apply to the different modes (internal, external or hours).
Although you work for a year you are entitled to a proportionate share of holidays.


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