Friday, May 8, 2009

What Shirt Goes With Grey Suit


Women and Migration : The feminization of migration involves much more than the growing number of women migrant presence in the world: The role of women in migration from Latin America to Spain seems to be closely related to the existence of an unprecedented demand for immigrant labor in labor niches traditionally female-dominated, such as domestic service and care for the elderly, and more, if possible, if we talk about illegal immigration.
Data: In December 2008, foreign people with high Social Security was 1,882,213, of which 40% were women, down from the whole of the population affiliated to the Security Social (42.0%).
of women members, (794,148), approximately 20% of what was in the scheme employees of Home. It is estimated that 80% of immigrant women are "regularly or irregularly - employed in this sector. Features
r sectors: the domestic employment sector is currently marked by three key aspects: the perception or ideology of care, which, being secular by women, socially undervalued; the phenomenon of migration and relations that develop in it.
This makes it an industry characterized by informality and precariousness, among other things: less wages than other jobs in the same category, seasonality, lack of formal contract, no right to unemployment benefits, social impairment and industrial relations based on trust and personal relationships.
The lack of comparable legislation in other sectors that suffers is the result of all this, providing feedback to the perpetuation of instability. The
gender variable, the main explanatory variable of that precarious and informal sector, joining two others that enhance these characteristics, such as ethnicity and class variables : 80% of women working in this sector are women immigrants, "as labor needed, but little or no power to pressure on the institutions.
Regarding industrial relations, it continues to enhance and even required in some cases, a servile relationship between employer and employee / a. Especially clear in cases where the employee is internal.
Challenge: This is where the paradox occurs: the person must know how to do everything, and everything right, "in a professional and responsible, but is still" the girl. "
The professionalization of the sector will not happen without a change in mentality that banished once and for all that, "the girl" by "the workers."

(A look at gender-domestic employment sector)

Job discrimination is another manifestation of gender inequalities that women suffer. Employment discrimination suffered by immigrant women puts further highlights these inequalities. The range of possibilities offered by the labor market for immigrant women is much smaller than that of men, are fundamentally they occupy social and economic activities underestimated Such is the case of domestic service.

rights of domestic workers in the event that pay into Social Security, are always lower than those of other sectors and, last but not least, in many cases not met.

The basic objective that we have raised in this research is to address the situation of domestic workers from a gender perspective, not only because it is feminized sector par excellence, but also and above all, because this is the variable explains the essence of the sector: its informality and precariousness.

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This document is intended to reflect the trends in home job in terms of working conditions.
The collection of data information has been revealed as significant as that over 2010 have been mainstream offerings in requesting internal staff work at home, 78% of offers Federation reached 13% as compared to external and 9% as part-time job. Of the total 91% combined offers cleaning and care (either under either elderly, sick or disabled). Fitting
point out that in most cases involving child care tasks than usual would be the existence of two or three children at home, 73% of cases, whereas in the case of dependent care 69% of cases involve the care of an individual. It is clear the blurring of work and little information upon which bids arise. Meeting together with a large number of them in which explicit three or four tasks, they are translated into multiple daily operational tasks to be performed. As for the wages offered, and based on net wages that employees receive (what should be added contributions to Social Security) shows that the majority of salaries, 68% of the total, are located between 650 and 800 € a month, there being no offer of more than € 950 monthly income. In the case of tenders involving care tasks three or more members of the family unit continues the previous trend being the band of 650 to 800 € the most common.

If we consider the extra pay seems interesting that women are entitled to receive at least two half-payments a year (working as an internal or external) about 60% of cases is specified their existence, and even improvement proposed in the royal decree.

Regarding the intention to enlist in the employee Social Security or comment that is in 62% of cases in which explicit at the time of the offer intended to make it effective.
This graph shows which are the main requirements that meet employer requests staff to work from home.

Finally we can refer to the geographic location of work, ie, district or neighborhood of Madrid is home.


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