Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Metformin Effect On Cysts In Pcos

Facebook ...

Starting this Friday, April 1, 2011, the quintessential social network, Facebook , will start to use our images in ads displayed on the profile page of our contacts. As is known, when you upload a photo to Facebook are giving their use by domain administrators.

But this, fortunately, be avoided. If you do not want to do so, follow these steps: Account, Account Settings, select the tab "Facebook Ads" select "No" in the menu and save the changes.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bangalore's Emergency Ambulance Number 108

RIP: Death of Paul Baran, one of the fathers of the Internet.

News here . His contribution here .

Who Subscribes Adderall

Cloud Computing: Who is responsible for our data?

We talked about the importance of the Cloud Computing has and will in our lives and in general risks, but I would like itemize in specific areas.

Problem description

The use of cloud computing, the user manages their data outside their computer terminal and these are stored on servers in second or even third parties. This obviously involves risks that we saw in the post about risks of cloud computing .

You have the right to:

1. Provide information concerning your personal data (see, modify or delete it.)
2. Aware at all times quien tiene esos datos, donde y con que finalidad.

Este último aspecto puede ser un problema ya que nos encontramos que los datos no los trata la empresa con la que hemos contratado o suscrito un servicio, sino un tercero.  ¿Quien es entonces el responsable? ¿En que medida? ¿Pueden estos datos acabar en un país con un nivel de protección menor?

La LOPD y su ámbito de aplicación

El art. 2 de la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos  (LOPD) y su reglamento aprobado por el Real Decree 1720/2007 on the art. 3 down its scope and will any comments regarding cloud computing:

- When the processing is carried out on English territory in the framework of the activities of an establishment of treatment .

What is a settlement in the case of cloud computing? The article seems to refer to a physical processing center, which can be as irrelevant in the case of cloud computing.

- When the controller is not established on English territory, it is applicable English law under public international law rules.

For interpretation of the following paragraph is limited to the community level subject to Directive 95/46/EC.

- When the controller is not established in the territory of the European Union and used in the data processing means located in English territory, unless that such equipment is used only for transit purposes.

Working Paper WP56 2002 of the Working Group on Article 29 and stated that the use of cookies (stored on the user's computer) was used to considered medium used for transit.

- Where the establishment is not located in English territory, but but there is a processor located in Spain, will apply the same rules contained in Title VIII of these rules.

This Title VIII establishes the enforceability of certain security measures.

"If the controller is not established in the territory of the European Union, but uses equipment situated in English territory, the controller must designate a representative established in English territory.

be easier to identify effective the perpetrator.

establishment "And you have to understand any equipment providing effective and real exercise of
activity, regardless of the legal form.

Thus, the determination of this well defined legally responsible, which does not mean it's easy or even possible effectively in all cases, but what happens when the data is processed by a third party?

Art. 12 of the Data Protection Act and the arts. 20 to 22 of the Regulation governing the relationship between the responsible and that third party.

The transfer of data is lawfully admitted into the 12.1 " not consider data communication access by a third party data when such access is necessary for the provision of a service controller "by a contract specifying" only process the data according to the instructions of the controller, which does not apply or use them for purposes other than those listed in the contract, nor shall, not even for conservation, others .

20.2 The art tells us that shall be responsible for the treatment to be sure that the third party concerned does this data in accordance with regulations, even if this third enabled by the controller himself, outsourced to another company for that function.

That is, we still have the responsibility to identify and this will be tried in Spain.

In brief, a reference to the International Data.

To learn more:


WP56 2002 of the Working Group on Article 29

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Serious Side Effects Of Gaviscon

Do we pay really worth the product? Strolling

is said that a product is worth the price they are willing to pay for: the so-called law supply and demand. In a practical example let's say you go to a store to buy the latest in technology, both wanted that phone, this gadget with which we tinker and horrified as we found it half a month's salary. Nothing happens, is a fad that we can afford it, but after perhaps a few days or weeks as they really see the real cost that product is often inferior to 300%. Are not cheating, we're getting carried away by a stream of consumerism or we are creating a need that we really have? What we're really paying for this product ...
  • Infrastructure headquarters : all employees of the company, from the janitor who opens the door first thing in the morning to the person responsible for cleaning up the most representative earn a salary that has to go from somewhere.
  • Department R & D (Research and Development) : an entire technical staff and elected people who have been required to create such a wonder that you have in your hands. But not only the product, but anything else related to: from the discarded prototypes up from the operating system, design to final box and a study of the initial distribution that we see when you open the product for the first time. All well studied and calculated that it cost a significant investment.
  • manufacturing infrastructure, where it is from staff to create that new gadget you just bought (each, of course, get paid) until the necessary machinery for their manufacture (which cost and maintenance is necessary for proper operation.)
  • Royalitis and Licensing: once mounted and assembled there to make other payments and costs: there are many elements which must pay royalities and licenses for each unit manufactured by various legal reasons. Advertising
  • : You need a market study and after that advertisers will be responsible to publicize the product to the world through the ads. Every ad on TV, every banner, every mention costs a little money that is expected to be well spent. Carriers
  • : Just have a look when it cost to send a package Correos.es to realize the cost of a shipment that guarantees the highest safety and mime to a product. Are the necessary link which directs to serve as a link between companies and stakeholders. Shops
  • : are businesses and as such they have to earn a small margin of the product they put into the hands of consumers.
  • Government: it takes a pinch on behalf of Value Added Tax, known to friends as VAT. Depending on the product that is this percentage varies, but a gadget that percentage is usually 18%.
  • Other entities: entities well known to all that can be a percentage in the form of digital copy in case we are pirates.

And once we have the product in hand, and the price we paid is still necessary for the following services ... SAC
  • : customer service. Different operators will help us by telephone or online any questions you have. Computers, maintenance, network, workers, etc. SAT
  • : technical services if we find problems across specialized people (or should) to solve the problem shortest possible time to not feel helpless. Servers
  • : either because the product requires an Internet connection and connect to certain servers to interact with them or keeping the servers main web page. This is money needed to keep everything running smoothly 24 hours a day and the whole design, good performance and maintenance especially humans who are behind to suffer the minimum falls.
Thus not only are we paying for a product, but all that it encompasses. So the next time we see that we are releasing three hundred euros for a product really worth a few hundred factories have to think "because ." In conclusion, the only final consumers are the final link in a chain that starts much earlier. Visit

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Boaters Birthday Cake

HTTPS is not foolproof: the big ones are attacked, you can constantly

explained the other day that HTTPS connections provide extra security for connections, but beware, they are not infallible.

Big Internet: attacked

a couple of days ago, Jacob Appelbaum, creator of interesting draft TOR online anonymity and researcher security, complained that he had discovered an attack MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE that had affected affecting large companies like Google or Yahoo. Using a false certificate, a server was receiving Iranian private keys that encrypt the passwords as well as the other packages so it could remove them.

The attack was solved without being made public, through updates on the major browsers to not accept these certificates.

openly and

COMODO, a company dedicated to computer security services (antivirus, firewalls) and provider of SSL certificates, the certifier supplanted, apparently from a server Iranian published information about the attack on 15 March by a blog post ( available here.) 8 days after the attack.

HTTPS is not infallible

The fact that browsers have certificate lists unauthorized is evidence that these attacks are occurring continuously .

short cut mode is certainly worrying, since they depend on an update to the browser by the user, update is not forced in any way but merely recommended. Ie users can be exposed for a long time.

seems that the method of certificate revocation lists, which in any case should have been included in a software update, as if it were a mistake rather than an attack, not convinced security experts . In fact, if the cracker is capturing packets from the user, in all browsers get the keys privadas.Es say, the attack directed (as opposed to random and in any case the most dangerous) do not avoid using these techniques.

Certification proliferation not help, The EFF SSL Observatory has reported the existence of 650 authorized certifying suspects Microsoft and Mozilla.

The main problem may be that the solution is that the certificates have long lifetimes (1 year or more.) If this was a few days to minimize the risks for a small inconvenience to the user (acceptance of certificates). So the landscape is doomed to change, I hope.

Meanwhile, use a VPN or TOR for our vital connections can not be a bad idea.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Pharmaceutical Calculation Ansel, Free Ebook

NOTE: The fee is not illegal, but its rules

The sentence that has filled the media punishes only formal defects in the enactment of the regulation that extended the fee previously exempt devices such as hard disks or mobile phones.

The canon, however much we weigh, remains legal.

Network Law does a great analysis.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flavors Vodka Cruisers

What is HTTPS? Why not be used for all connections?

few days ago I mentioned in passing in the post over HTTPS Risks of Cloud Computing . There is a new system and it works most often invisible to the user. But let's start at the beginning.

What is HTTP?

This abbreviation stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol or Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is one of the pillars on which rests the web (World Wide Web) today.

plain and understandable HTTP is a language for questions and answers which holds all the information on the Internet. So when I want to get into a website my computer makes a query to the server according to the DNS server that is stored and this he responds by sending the requested information if you have that information. So simple and so vital.

memory is a stateless protocol, ie does not contain information of the user making the request. And there are days, many web applications need to recognize our state (who we are, we have made in the web, etc). To fix this there are cookies (a concept that I must for an upcoming post on the new EU regulation on privacy) in which the web server that contains the client computer stores information that asks questions or requests. To give you an idea, when accedéis to your email from your computer may recognize you as users (and I ask for the password) or accessible to you immediately. That is thanks to a cookie that is sent to the request providing such data.

How safe is the HTTP?

Well mainly that someone may be listening to that question that we add a cookie to our information, either passively ( Eavesdropping ) or actively ( Attack Man-in-the-middle ) because our message passes through many points. Although a priori information can be encrypted, if you catch the public key used by the server, you can modify the message to an intermediary to become a recipient of private information.

For example: Imagine no protection for online banking (quiet that no longer exists):
  1. Juan wants to communicate with your bank to obtain information and Thief.
  2. To start the conversation Bank John asks the Public Key used to.
  3. Thief intercepts the response of the Bank.
  4. Thief adjust the message using a different public key and Juan sends a false identity.
  5. This response from the bank thinks and responds by sending your private key (password) to Thief.
  6. Private Key Thief gets John and you can start the process with the bank.
Beware Firesheep and public networks

I do not tire of saying, if you use a sniffer few years was not very complicated (I did try capturing my own conversations with Messenger Wireshark and some plugin) is now just very simple with applications such as Firesheep , a Firefox extension with which we can get all passwords used on our network or a public network.
"Cheese is HTTPS?

a way to create secure communication over an insecure network. To do this communication is supported by a Certificate Authority on which we rely.

What is the security enhancements HTTPS?

Well mainly:

1 º We have a browser that recognizes the certifying authority.

VeriSign or Microsoft to put a couple of examples are certificate authorities connection HTTPS. Your browser goes to them to verify whether the site at which the petition is who we truly claim to be (For example, if the Bank is Bank and Thief).

The browser address bar is usually show a different icon when we are in an HTTPS connection. And if you click on it gives us additional information about the authority.

2 The Web Manager we access gets a Public Key Certificate.

Thus, if a public key is not identified as certified by the Authority Certification, your browser will display an alert.

3 º SSL and TLS, the language of questions and answers will be encrypted.

Communication begins with a mediation with the Certification Authority to establish how the question and the answer will be encrypted (both ends must know the method and keys).

For this, when asked (ClientHello) your browser adds information about what type of encryption support and this we respond (serverHello) with the selected encryption. Then, through the Certification Authority or we are given a symmetric key for both or a shared public key to decrypt a new private key.

And under these encryption techniques is the HTTP, ie the question and response.

4 º Sometimes ensure that all nodes it has passed the data package is safe.

Why do not all internet works with HTTPS?

is clear that secure communication is better than one that is not, and although it is growing the number of communications that use HTTPS, the vast majority of these occur without it. The reasons are enumerable:

1, High cost of security certificates.

Certification Authorities are not free, so it is normal that shops and online banking or large corporations use internet but the small and medium-sized websites.

(Edit: In the comments a reader tells us that there is a certification authority with a free plan. Thanks for the info).

2 The HTTPS does not cache data.

What makes that especially when accessing websites hosted on remote servers (think of data having to travel half the world), all content has to be forwarded, when the web normally store a data series Fixed giving an apparent velocity to your browser.

3 The initial SSL negotiation adds delay.

If security is not essential, we usually prefer speed.

4 º not usable in the virtual servers.

This is somewhat technical, but imagine that I rent a space for a large enterprise server and from server I manage at my own server software. This is a common practice. Not well solved the possibility to use HTTPS (if using TLS extensions but in part).

What to do to avoid Firesheep and other sniffers?

There are several extensions that force the use of HTTPS servers that support it. Many websites offer it but not used by default to maximize speed.

HTTPS everywhere and Noscript on Firefox


Safer these is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network), of which I spoke last ( link here).
Para saber más:

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Color Goes With White

scam with Sinde Law: The Civil Guard warns

El GDT (Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos) de la Guardia Civil avisa de una nueva estafa en internet :

We get an e-form or similar contencioso@sgae.es says

"Your IP has been identified as a download content protected by copyright, input 100 € in the following paypal account @ xxxxxx xxxxxxxx to avoid the initiation of legal proceedings according to rules adopted by the Sustainable Economy Act (Act Sinde). "

EYE, the content may vary.

Friday, March 18, 2011

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A look at the Chilean regulation on net neutrality

On December 15 Chile adopted a regulation on net neutrality that can serve as models for possible rules in other countries. can access it here .

basically regulates three principles:

1 º Publicity about the connection.

Each ISP must set up a website where, in a simple, uncomplicated, each client can access the information effectively engaged connection, ie, access the "log" user. Here you can check if you hired is about what is actually offered by the service provider for your specific connection.

In Spain you can access media data, which normally publishes CMT Blog , but not the connection data of each client.

Ban 2 nd block, interfere with, discriminate against or restrict any content, application or services of arbitrary or based on source or ownership of these.

words, prohibits the censor certain protocols (VoIP, P2P, video-streaming).

3 º Open the door to a free Internet access to certain protocols and traffic management measures.

This is the dark side of this regulation. On the one hand in the art. 7, the same that prohibits blocking services, said that should be provided to each user, "service Internet access or connectivity to the Internet service provider as appropriate, that does not distinguish arbitrarily content, applications or services, based on the source or their property, taking into account the different configurations of Internet connections, which vary depending on the type force contract with each user. " Also art. 9 states that the ISP may block content, applications or services at the specific request of the user, differential parental control, bound below. Can contractual arrangements launch locks?

can be interpreted as there can be no arbitrary control but whether based on contract modalities. For example, a contract without cheapest VOIP or other free P2P (although its content is legal).

Moreover the art. 8 provides the possibility ("may take necessary action") to carry out traffic management long as it can not affect free competition. And they will not be arbitrary if there is information to the user and there is no undue discrimination. That is, they enable restrictions although the general rule of Telecommunications (Law 18168 s. 24 H) the prohibited without exception.

This privilege can hide that all payment services equally (which are effectively exercise that jurisdiction) on free services (eg video or audio streaming free legal).


Perhaps these dark areas, giving opportunities for a change in management and Internet form, the standard has not aroused any sympathy expected. In fact, recently there has been a requirement against this legal regulation.

My view is that regulation is necessary, but not all regulation is valid. Our Senate and unanimously made a declaration to that effect on December 1, 2010.

What will bring the English?

Free Sand Rail Buggy Plan

"Every client should be able to access each service and each service should be able to access each client. .. The web has grown so fast because we had two markets independent, one for connection and one for content and applications. "

" Every customer Should Be Able to access Every service, and Every service Should Be Able to access Every customer ... The web has grown so fast Precisely Because We Have Had two independent Markets, one for connectivity, and the Other for content and applications. "

Tim Berners-Lee, one of the creators of the Internet.

March 16, 2011.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Benefits Of Valerian Root And Chamomile Tea

Doniños beach ... 2011 Fene Entroido

Although not much point in walking alone along a deserted beach in winter, leave a brief video about a visit I made to the Doniños beach this past Friday. The music track is ' Audiomachine ' song Evolution.

www.carrodeguas.com Visit Another year

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Runtime

Entroido (also called Antroido in certain areas of Galicia) has increased and faster than ever. He came in, for simplicity of superhuman way for those unfamiliar with the term, is the name given to Carnival in Galicia.

is a traditional festival held between the months of February and March always coinciding with the period immediately preceding the and Cristinana Lent. The word ' Entroido ' Vocabul comes from Latin ' Introitus' meaning "entry or start " entry or start-in this case the spring and the appearance of green vegetation and landscape features of Galicia.

This year, as earlier, also held in the City Council of Fene where they have participated up to 14 extras and, as usual, I will go to a video blog for the occasion on the subject of dates.

The video corresponds with the parade of the different troupes on their way through the Natural Avenue Ash Wednesday March 9, 2011. You can find more information about the area Entroido FeneCom , searching for my Youtube channel referring to the well three more entries on Carnival on the Leiden years earlier on my blog:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wilkipedia Kate Middleton

As a fine resort in a "special" ...

hare few days that has reduced the speed in roads and highways the 120 to 110. After these first days and Ahora that I'm used to 110 km have come to the conclusion that all sides also at this speed. So if ... If I pass the speed limit, and caught me, FINE! A civil and criminal penalties, depending on the severity, consisting of a cash payment for being a bad boy and naughty. But in these times of crisis is not the money to "throw " so that, if necessary, as would be a good idea to use a fine, and because they do it this particular way (and discouraged):

Dear Mr. Judge:

I have been denounced by circular to 250 km / h in 651 National, address Coruña, on my way home. As I told the Civil Guards who stopped me, I detected the radar speed given above in a section restricted to 70km / h .

For my part, I can say I've seen perfectly that signal with the number 70 in black, inside the red circle with white background. However, even though I've noticed, I have not seen any unit of measurement next to the little number 70.

As you know better than me, that's what has studied law, Law 54/1893 provides that in the English State (may God keep you many years) provides that the international metric system will be mandatory in the country, and within the proper rules of that International Metric System, states that the unit of length will be the meter, and the unit will be the second time.

do not know if you ended up right where he had time to do some math, but if not I will inform you that the speed is measured by dividing the distance traveled between time to cross it, so taking the unit of measurement of distance (meters) and the unit of measurement of time (second), we obtain the unit of measurement of speed: meters per second, which as we said above mentioned Act, BE REQUIRED UNIT OF MEASURE FOR SPEED.

I'm not going to deny it was a 250 km / h, which in fact was, but the signal that I saw only put 70, under the rule of law we all must respect and that you .... is the best example, I have not hesitated to consider that 70 was referring to international unity of speed, meter per second, if you. does the conversion, note that 70 m / s equivalent to 252km / h, with which I was traveling at 2 km / h below permitted.

For these reasons, I urge you to return my driver's license, the 600 Euros and the 8 points taken from me, things are not for jokes, leaving this matter in a unfortunate misunderstanding for which I will not denounce the poor agents, who pretty much have to their dangerous work and I'm sure that did not mean any harm. Visit

Monday, March 7, 2011

Location Free Player On Xbox


few weeks ago, has fallen my hands on a "console" ARCADE SEGA MASTER PAD TV. This is a command of the company Millennium with direct connection to TV by 4 AA batteries we can remember them in our display of classic SEGA consoles: Master System and Game Gear :

I bought in Lydl at a price about 15 € (I honestly do not remember the exact price was between ten and fifteen euros) but you can also find such toy. Visit

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lenie Berlinwood Fingerboard For Sale

In tie-break with Triad

By: Abelardo Oviedo Duquesne
Photos: FIVB
Mota and the surfer's face glows when it achieves a secure connection. To a reporter is wise to use a qualifier like when it promotes a dialogue with Justo Morales, one of the strategists of volleyball in the country with great work experience.

coach started teaching of voli in 1965 because, despite being a student in the School of Physical Education (ESEF) Comandante Manuel Fajardo, coached the teams of that institution. After completing the studies was promoted to coach High School Athletic Pefeccionamiento Giraldo Cordova Cardin. There he remained for 24 courses.

Morales worked in Algeria in 1977 to 79 and won the All Africa Games. From 1993 to 2000 formed the technical group of the country's male cast. It's champion, won the national training for the scepter in the World League 1998, and became the fourth that led the contest established by the FIVB in 1990. From 2002 to 2005 remained in that African nation to offer their collaboration for strengthening the discipline there.

now works as an instructor for the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) for the area of \u200b\u200bNorth Central American and Caribbean (NORCECA). Because of this responsibility lectures and clinics in different places in the sub region and stay, advises the work of the national pre-selections. Of course, as soon received a request from Bohemia the answer was yes. And, as usual, the conversation with the capital's 64-year-old native of Cotorro municipality had the strength of a tiebreaker.

- maximum Is an experienced technical advisers in the early years, one young man nominated to lead the national team?
-A l As with athletes, coaches youth also need experienced strategists models. Old age reflects a technician, but, poverty of solutions, lack of will, creativity, adaptation, motivation and attitude toward success. The statistics state that currently the most significant in the different branches of sport have between 56 and 72 years.

-The importance of regional qualifying tournaments to make all the lists universal
"From the Sydney Olympics in 2000, volleyball grew more universal scale. Now all the regional tournaments are qualifiers. This increases the frequency of confrontation. This philosophy requires more quality in the structuring of curricula, training plans and, therefore, those edges distinguish the horizon of domestic skills. It is more serious talent selection. Now the search for boys with outstanding qualities is emphasized because, in addition, there are the Youth Olympic Games.

"In the men's sector are skilled players and the size increased, on average, between 1.95 to 2.02 meters. In the women also did something similar. The four inches tall and came up new tournaments. It is remarkable balance between many selections. It also changed the way of play (the service and block) and the players retire at an older age. In this mo ment the volleyball play between 60-120 games a year. They acquire much experience to conduct, and fitness conscious, knowing that they expected a strong competitive rigor.

"first appeared in our continent Dominican Republic. Puerto Rico already has a space and come in after taking a seat the delegations from Costa Rica, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. This is the result of development schemes introduced by the Confederation of hemispheric (NORCECA). In such areas of Central America and the Caribbean Islands and mass participation is highlighted. And often overcoming the coaches. "

- Did you grow the value of statistics because of the Rally Point System?
- Statistics are assets of the direction of the team and the federation of the country. They deliver two constant features: functionality and individual performance. And both come operative working tools and real. They also inform, persuade and interest. Not to remove the athletes. THAT DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO VA, IS HERE.

"Today's figures show that is very even performance from the cast. The difference is that very few champions make mistakes. That is the essence of the new concept for both coaches and athletes when we enter the realm. It should establish the level of achievement, is an interval which may be caused by positive and negative values, which represent the values \u200b\u200bobtained by the actions we will or no points. The limit of the negative must tend to 0, the positive than + 1. That is the inner product of the Rally Point. "

- What is the ideal philosophy to play the fifth part of a reconciliation?
"When planning, coaches should guide the content of the work taking into account the fifth set. And consider s psychological demands involved in every moment of that segment. This section represents the maximum possibility of gambling, as many actions taken.

"Like any sport continuously variable, there are three essentials for success. One of them, to prepare the athlete for that period. It is important to take into account statistics, competitive preparation (number of games and variety of opponents during the exercise program). All this provides expertise, resources and psychological stability.

"The second point is to be fully aware of the best actions for the collation and the best performance of the adversary. The fifth set is not to invent. Sets indicate the most productive strategies and tactics. Knowing these points will form the complex patterns of two lines of blocking, receiving and defense. The seasoned trainers simplify the most torrential influences arising in the fourth set: a) win easily (I was terrified that situation), b) stand after a great effort; c) taste success coming from below, d ) prevail after feeling the pressure of rival e) performing a leading role by second-tier players and not the regular, f) succeed, or fall, by an arbitral error.

"The third aspect is the conscious preparation. That piece of the party is for members of the regular box and / or experienced volleyball players. All players must know their time of participation. This is going well when training and all members of staff take it into account. "

- How do you assess the main selected country?
-In once told reporters that the Cuban volleyball in the two arms, belonged to the best in the world. Some took this as an exaggeration. Then as Now there are quality players and talents with great projection. In addition, it also justifies my opinion the level of senior technical and capacity demonstrated by young people who perform their work in the provinces. I think I still need to readjust the training program and competitive and to encourage discipline in schools and the feedback system.

-voli His forecast for the upcoming Pan American Games.
-In Guadalajara women's teams with greater options are: Brazil, Cuba, the United States and Dominican Republic. Argentina Costa Rica and Venezuela and the hosts can provide outstanding performances. In the men is different because the combination of Brazil, Cuba and the United States join the Argentina and Puerto Rico. The definitions of both tournaments will belong to the most hotly contested sports squad. "

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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TV Interesting, but false legends about Beethoven and Moonlight ...

is often impressive
as we let go the music, as a composition can transport us to another magical place with its melody. In fact the great classical music pieces for centuries to do so ... When we do listen to our own, are musical translations of our own experiences evoke memories, feelings and emotions.

Great compositions, as in this case Moonlight "Piano Sonata No. 14 composed in 1801 - of Beethoven are surrounded by many legends , mysticism and history in its creation and composition, over the years, have been seasoned to possibly increase even more the magical aura surrounding his conception.

can hear the song while you read the rest of this entry

A first legend about the birth of this immortal work that we had just started the nineteenth century Europe was struck down by the Napoleonic Wars which had severely affected the health of the princes of Germany to the point of causing death. The death of this prince had killed Beethoven psychologically it lost one of its most beloved mentor and model father (his father suffered from depression with alcohol dependence and the death of his mother because of TB early left him without a friendly and familiar environment). To make matters worse, he felt as their symptoms began to worsen deafness, disturbing and modifying their behavior by making him nervous and irritable.

therefore become isolated from other people gaining the reputation of Misanthrope and fell into a depression. When you thought you had no strength to live, even writing a will with suicide note, he met a young blind girl who lived in the same modest boarding house where Beethoven was staying at that time. After exchanging a few words with the girl a few words in his conversation with her came to the depths of his soul ' I would give anything to see and experience a night of Mon to as you can and my blindness does not allow me ' . The following night, full moon, these simple words made to reflect Beethoven aside their little desire live while watching the silver sky reminding the young. He took the decision to translate "to the point of being obsessed, and translate the beauty of a beautiful moonlit night in a song. A song that mimics the slow steps of people carrying a German prince mortuary drawer wondering why the death of a beloved patron where the three notes that repeat the theme insistently movement Sonata (as speculated ) are the syllables of the word "Why " in German. In this way, using his sensibility, Beethoven portrayed through the melody, the beauty of a night bathed the clarity of the moon for someone who could not see it.

A second legend states that ' Moonlight' is a song dedicated to Giulietta Guicciardi Constantine. Was the year 1801 and was dedicated to Beethoven's Piano teaching. Thus Constantine met and then fell in love deeply with her, but there was a great inconvenience: separated them 15 years apart in age . Quietly pocketing his love could not keep a big disappointment to learn of the engagement and upcoming wedding of Constantine with another person. Brokenhearted and deafness beginning to steal your hearing decided confirnarse and doing what he loved most: writing . In his pension and dark, the only thing that lit the room was the moon that entered through the window shining directly on the piano. So, put the name "Moonlight Sonata to ', dedicated to Constantine Giulietta Guicciardi.

legends are interesting but false. Beethoven never gave that name to his work: the name is "Sonata Quasi una Fantasia . The named" Moonlight "after one critic likened named Ludwig Rellstab with a saw moonlight on Lake Lucerne where Beethoven had died. So the two legends of the blind girl and her young pupil can not be true. Visit