Sunday, March 27, 2011

Serious Side Effects Of Gaviscon

Do we pay really worth the product? Strolling

is said that a product is worth the price they are willing to pay for: the so-called law supply and demand. In a practical example let's say you go to a store to buy the latest in technology, both wanted that phone, this gadget with which we tinker and horrified as we found it half a month's salary. Nothing happens, is a fad that we can afford it, but after perhaps a few days or weeks as they really see the real cost that product is often inferior to 300%. Are not cheating, we're getting carried away by a stream of consumerism or we are creating a need that we really have? What we're really paying for this product ...
  • Infrastructure headquarters : all employees of the company, from the janitor who opens the door first thing in the morning to the person responsible for cleaning up the most representative earn a salary that has to go from somewhere.
  • Department R & D (Research and Development) : an entire technical staff and elected people who have been required to create such a wonder that you have in your hands. But not only the product, but anything else related to: from the discarded prototypes up from the operating system, design to final box and a study of the initial distribution that we see when you open the product for the first time. All well studied and calculated that it cost a significant investment.
  • manufacturing infrastructure, where it is from staff to create that new gadget you just bought (each, of course, get paid) until the necessary machinery for their manufacture (which cost and maintenance is necessary for proper operation.)
  • Royalitis and Licensing: once mounted and assembled there to make other payments and costs: there are many elements which must pay royalities and licenses for each unit manufactured by various legal reasons. Advertising
  • : You need a market study and after that advertisers will be responsible to publicize the product to the world through the ads. Every ad on TV, every banner, every mention costs a little money that is expected to be well spent. Carriers
  • : Just have a look when it cost to send a package to realize the cost of a shipment that guarantees the highest safety and mime to a product. Are the necessary link which directs to serve as a link between companies and stakeholders. Shops
  • : are businesses and as such they have to earn a small margin of the product they put into the hands of consumers.
  • Government: it takes a pinch on behalf of Value Added Tax, known to friends as VAT. Depending on the product that is this percentage varies, but a gadget that percentage is usually 18%.
  • Other entities: entities well known to all that can be a percentage in the form of digital copy in case we are pirates.

And once we have the product in hand, and the price we paid is still necessary for the following services ... SAC
  • : customer service. Different operators will help us by telephone or online any questions you have. Computers, maintenance, network, workers, etc. SAT
  • : technical services if we find problems across specialized people (or should) to solve the problem shortest possible time to not feel helpless. Servers
  • : either because the product requires an Internet connection and connect to certain servers to interact with them or keeping the servers main web page. This is money needed to keep everything running smoothly 24 hours a day and the whole design, good performance and maintenance especially humans who are behind to suffer the minimum falls.
Thus not only are we paying for a product, but all that it encompasses. So the next time we see that we are releasing three hundred euros for a product really worth a few hundred factories have to think "because ." In conclusion, the only final consumers are the final link in a chain that starts much earlier. Visit


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