Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wilkipedia Kate Middleton

As a fine resort in a "special" ...

hare few days that has reduced the speed in roads and highways the 120 to 110. After these first days and Ahora that I'm used to 110 km have come to the conclusion that all sides also at this speed. So if ... If I pass the speed limit, and caught me, FINE! A civil and criminal penalties, depending on the severity, consisting of a cash payment for being a bad boy and naughty. But in these times of crisis is not the money to "throw " so that, if necessary, as would be a good idea to use a fine, and because they do it this particular way (and discouraged):

Dear Mr. Judge:

I have been denounced by circular to 250 km / h in 651 National, address Coruña, on my way home. As I told the Civil Guards who stopped me, I detected the radar speed given above in a section restricted to 70km / h .

For my part, I can say I've seen perfectly that signal with the number 70 in black, inside the red circle with white background. However, even though I've noticed, I have not seen any unit of measurement next to the little number 70.

As you know better than me, that's what has studied law, Law 54/1893 provides that in the English State (may God keep you many years) provides that the international metric system will be mandatory in the country, and within the proper rules of that International Metric System, states that the unit of length will be the meter, and the unit will be the second time.

do not know if you ended up right where he had time to do some math, but if not I will inform you that the speed is measured by dividing the distance traveled between time to cross it, so taking the unit of measurement of distance (meters) and the unit of measurement of time (second), we obtain the unit of measurement of speed: meters per second, which as we said above mentioned Act, BE REQUIRED UNIT OF MEASURE FOR SPEED.

I'm not going to deny it was a 250 km / h, which in fact was, but the signal that I saw only put 70, under the rule of law we all must respect and that you .... is the best example, I have not hesitated to consider that 70 was referring to international unity of speed, meter per second, if you. does the conversion, note that 70 m / s equivalent to 252km / h, with which I was traveling at 2 km / h below permitted.

For these reasons, I urge you to return my driver's license, the 600 Euros and the 8 points taken from me, things are not for jokes, leaving this matter in a unfortunate misunderstanding for which I will not denounce the poor agents, who pretty much have to their dangerous work and I'm sure that did not mean any harm. Visit


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