Saturday, March 5, 2011

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TV Interesting, but false legends about Beethoven and Moonlight ...

is often impressive
as we let go the music, as a composition can transport us to another magical place with its melody. In fact the great classical music pieces for centuries to do so ... When we do listen to our own, are musical translations of our own experiences evoke memories, feelings and emotions.

Great compositions, as in this case Moonlight "Piano Sonata No. 14 composed in 1801 - of Beethoven are surrounded by many legends , mysticism and history in its creation and composition, over the years, have been seasoned to possibly increase even more the magical aura surrounding his conception.

can hear the song while you read the rest of this entry

A first legend about the birth of this immortal work that we had just started the nineteenth century Europe was struck down by the Napoleonic Wars which had severely affected the health of the princes of Germany to the point of causing death. The death of this prince had killed Beethoven psychologically it lost one of its most beloved mentor and model father (his father suffered from depression with alcohol dependence and the death of his mother because of TB early left him without a friendly and familiar environment). To make matters worse, he felt as their symptoms began to worsen deafness, disturbing and modifying their behavior by making him nervous and irritable.

therefore become isolated from other people gaining the reputation of Misanthrope and fell into a depression. When you thought you had no strength to live, even writing a will with suicide note, he met a young blind girl who lived in the same modest boarding house where Beethoven was staying at that time. After exchanging a few words with the girl a few words in his conversation with her came to the depths of his soul ' I would give anything to see and experience a night of Mon to as you can and my blindness does not allow me ' . The following night, full moon, these simple words made to reflect Beethoven aside their little desire live while watching the silver sky reminding the young. He took the decision to translate "to the point of being obsessed, and translate the beauty of a beautiful moonlit night in a song. A song that mimics the slow steps of people carrying a German prince mortuary drawer wondering why the death of a beloved patron where the three notes that repeat the theme insistently movement Sonata (as speculated ) are the syllables of the word "Why " in German. In this way, using his sensibility, Beethoven portrayed through the melody, the beauty of a night bathed the clarity of the moon for someone who could not see it.

A second legend states that ' Moonlight' is a song dedicated to Giulietta Guicciardi Constantine. Was the year 1801 and was dedicated to Beethoven's Piano teaching. Thus Constantine met and then fell in love deeply with her, but there was a great inconvenience: separated them 15 years apart in age . Quietly pocketing his love could not keep a big disappointment to learn of the engagement and upcoming wedding of Constantine with another person. Brokenhearted and deafness beginning to steal your hearing decided confirnarse and doing what he loved most: writing . In his pension and dark, the only thing that lit the room was the moon that entered through the window shining directly on the piano. So, put the name "Moonlight Sonata to ', dedicated to Constantine Giulietta Guicciardi.

legends are interesting but false. Beethoven never gave that name to his work: the name is "Sonata Quasi una Fantasia . The named" Moonlight "after one critic likened named Ludwig Rellstab with a saw moonlight on Lake Lucerne where Beethoven had died. So the two legends of the blind girl and her young pupil can not be true. Visit


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