Thursday, January 27, 2011

Are There Any Games That I Can Give Birth On

year 2011, Thomas Edison (in 1911) ... Pixar

Thomas Edison, entrepreneur, scientist and inventor who patented more than a thousand inventions - an invention fortnight - was not only known for its technological advancements in his time, but was also known for the fact of making future predictions. In fact the year 1909 and predicted a global network of mobile phones and uses a network like the Internet as we know it 100 years from their statements. Thus, the June 23, 1911, the Miami Metropolis newspaper Edision published new predictions of a hundred years from now, that is our current 2011.

What will the world in a hundred years?
Nobody but a magician dared to lift the curtain and reveal the secrets of the future, and that magician can do it with the same certainty that Mr. Thomas Alva Edison, who has started many of the best kept secrets jealous nature. (...)
Mr. Edison tells us that the steam is emitting its last breaths. (...) In 2011 the trains will still be used but these will reach the incredible speed of light (which will also be the driving force of all machines in the world), generated by wheels "hydraulic."
But the traveler of the future (...) despise slow on land. Streak across the sky faster than a blink, at the speed of two hundred miles per hour (322km / h) in huge machines that allow you to have breakfast in London, doing business in Paris and eating lunch at Cheapside . The
house of the next century will be furnished from basement to attic with steel, but with one-sixth the current cost-a lightweight steel so it will be easy to transport as it is lifting a chair. The baby of the XXI century will rock in a cradle of steel and his father sit on a steel chair to a steel table, and her mother's dressing table is luxuriously equipped with steel furniture (...).
books coming century will have all its pages printed in nickel, so the reader can enjoy an entire small library in one volume. A book of only two inches thick (5cms.) contain forty thousand pages, the equivalent of a hundred volumes; six inches would be sufficient for the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica. And each volume would weigh less than one pound (454 gr.). Today
Mr. Edison can produce a pound of these sheets of nickel, more flexible than paper and more lasting ten times the cost of five shillings. Within a hundred years the cost will probably be reduced to one tenth.
more surprising still, the American magician talks about the end of gold as a precious metal. "Gold", he says, "even exist a few years. But the day is near will be as common and as cheap as the bars of iron or steel blocks." We are about to discover the secret of the transmutation of metals, which are essentially the same in this area, although combined in different proportions. "Soon it will be easy to convert a truck loaded with iron bars at the same loaded with virgin gold.
magical day are coming and there is no reason why our great ocean liners should not be carved carved gold that you should not ride in taxis of gold or gold substitute for steel in our classrooms. Only steel will more durable and cheaper in the long run.


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