Sunday, January 9, 2011

Full Tv Episodes Quicktime


LACULEBRONA friends and cronies. We told them that the gig went great, very cool with the band (thank you very much for the goats of Ywana, the peach and Salsativa), lots of fun with the audience (about 150 people), very good sound, etc.
But unfortunately, there is a large black spot in all this. Nano Parra The meritorious. Knowing
to make deals with him was to put a rope around his neck (as advised by other bands on the irregularities in the practices of this gentleman), we ignored the warnings and decided to launch the album there. Not only the gentleman is an insolent volume and back, but a SCAMMED class. Not respecting the original deal made with him prior to this event, decide, through pressures and insults to charge exactly to 100% above the agreed price, or as an option, put the 4 bands that were playing in the street, along with soundman. Such practices have made known the guy for the whole pop music scene nationwide. We are not first to pass these experiences compipa meritorious, and we know we will not be the last. We ask you to spread the word for this great fag Funar.
Obviously, since the whole atmosphere, the absence of contracts and things like that is just the revenge of puteada, after having to smile at big motherfucker all night.
Greetings and hugs to those who were, who wanted to go, and who threw cool.


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