Friday, April 29, 2011

Bob Punching Bagvancouver

10 years in the technology world (SUBMISSION)

not usually incorporate content created by others on the blog, but I found it interesting.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Heather From Oliver Klozov

LPtG HD - Contests Free GEARS OF WAR 3

During the next half a month give away ten codes to access the multiplayer beta of Gears of War 3 game console Xbox 360. To participate you only have to be a subscriber to my channel LPtG and leave a comment on this video with the word "participate."

With a little luck, the code will be yours. You can leave so many comments (more comments more likely to play) as you want but only send a downloadable code for each user. Good luck to all! Visit

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brent Everett On Mobile

A party pro-net neutrality, universal broadband pro-and anti-censorship: Second

Canada for years has shown a similar political landscape of England, a bipartisan board between conservatives and liberals. The latest polls second which was fourth contender and almost zero in the last decade (see chart in Wikipedia ), the New Democratic Party.

Obviously all parties have some proposals about the Internet, most often very broad and kind to the ear, far from anything concrete. This game is pretty straightforward (unlike their peers from a list (readable here and here )) proponiedo include:
  • Universal Access-Banda Ancha.
  • Telecommunications subject to public interest.
  • legally protect Network Neutrality
  • Cut the final price of the connection.
  • Punishment measures traffic control operators.
  • Prohibit charging for internet use.
  • Balance, provided internacionesles treaties, the rights of creators and users (not mentioned on the industry).
Sounds interesting, clear that this is on paper, and as always ... "From words to action there is a stretch."

What is the outlook in the English political parties? In the next post.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blood Clot A Week Before Period

political force in Canada April 26 - World Day of Intellectual Property, but not Copyright

Today some celebrate the World Day (in my opinion, "bad call") Intellectual Property.

is a day other than Day World Copyright (April 23), which coincides with World Book Day.

Those who put the date it was clear that celebrate the authors and other copyright managers. Curious: SGAE drew no public notice on the copyright. Today if.

Who is protected?

WIPO web. Web SGAE.

Shotacon Manga Free To Read

Telegraph SICARM Ideas 2011: Day 2 (4) European Union

New issues and challenges for the identification electronically with technological innovation in public administrations

Roundtable: Ignacio Alamillo Sunday, Mar Ibañez Marti and Daniel Sánchez Martínez .

Abstract: A roundtable shared ideas a certifying , a lawyer and a computer engineer.

- DNIe : comfortable if I had a high usage.
- New certificates Public Administration-> id of officials.
  • has built-in attributes do not need a database behind.
  • common
  • 's certificates -> Are interoperable .
  • Fast profile -> is revoked or updated when you change your job.
- Certificates Online Office.
  • The powers exercised by administrative-> Encryption.
  • is not mere conduit for information.
- Seal Public Bodies.
  • Certifications automatic-> Beyond of SSL or application.
  • official records may issue them, and the official publications.
- Installing certificates is complex.
- Provide devices.
- Other services:
  • timestamp.
  • Custody documentary.
  • user support.
  • Publishing Service Web documents .
  • Service Data verification (INE , police).
  • firm Tools PDF and verification.
- need for increased security.
- Authentication by third parties (administrative managers, Graduate, Professional).
- Extension features.
- Systems for the provision of electronic evidence.
-------------------------------- - asymmetry between citizens and Administration .
  • USA-> UPKI hard ( biometrics, antihacking ) for officials, low for citizens. Banking
  • -> High for herself, down to the user.
  • Management should protect the citizen not.
- Give your card use is a personal risk decision.
- Digitization signature "=? advanced electronic signature.
- USA -> Add movement of foreigners within its borders -> Patriot Act.
  • concept to be developed.
  • identification tool .
  • Ministry of Industry does not protect certificate legal personality suedónimo .

Chelsea Charms In England

Neutrality: Yes but no ...

Within the European Commission under the field of Information Society we have the group Digital Agenda for Europe , which, in recent months has been consulting on the regulation on Net Neutrality under the policy framework Telecommunications and rights of citizens approved in 2009 , be transposed into the national legislative should be done internally before May 25, 2011 (or instead be directly covered by the Directive).

The result of these consultations has been an official declaration of April 19, 2011, entitled: "The Commission underlines the commitment to ensure an open Internet principles are applied in practice. " Accessible here (In English, the untranslated).

The title is certainly encouraging, but not the text, as the Net neutrality is at the mercy of the economic and traffic control measures in the end nobody can control. Does that is neutrality?

Let us say

Digital Agenda The group recognizes that the economic growth associated with the Internet, which in 15 years has gone from 0 € to several billion euros was mainly due to its openness and low entry costs for the company and the user-consumer. And yet, it also believes that the Net has transformed the way we communicate, the way we do business and how we work, thus opening up opportunities in education, culture, communication, interaction social as well as advances in science and technology more broadly, strengthening freedom of expression and plurality.

"It is the" network of networks "that have transformed the way we Communicate and do business, the way we work, opening up great Opportunities in education, culture, communication, social interaction, as well as "enabling advancements in science and technology and encouraging more freedom of expression Broadly and media Plurality."

is, makes the explosion in education, culture, communication, freedom of expression, etc. the possibility of doing business and how to work when the explosion and was there when the Internet had a zero economic value.

It is Widely Accepted That Network Operators Need to Adopt Some traffic management practices to Ensure Their an efficient use of IP networks and That Certain services, Such as for instance real-time video conferencing and IPTV, May require special traffic management to Ensure a predefined high quality of service.

read his statement clearly speak of a neutral bias, does not speak of equal opportunities but non-blocking, but openly admits that operators carry out traffic control measures, the only need for this engagement is transparent and informed. Free competition adheres to switch to another supplier to the end user, but is there any provider that dispenses free to control the traffic?

Effectively Consumers Must Also Be Able to switch to a new provider WHERE A Better quality of service and / or a lower price is Offered, or Where They Are Not satisfied with the service They Are receiving , eg imposer WHERE Their current provider Restrictions on particular services or applications.

thousand times I says: Imagine a toll road, bread trucks pay more than the mango because they generate more traffic (and generate more traffic because they are most needed).

That is, online video, VOIP, P2P legal or illegal, and almost the services they want, have an added cost or worse service. And for the company, if you want to compete, will be an added cost.

This is justified by the need to improve infrastructure and the high cost assuming that the telecommunications operators. They have a public message of concern to the future (see news of Deutsche Telekom ), but the fact is that in crisis, continue to present their accounts as required by law, and go continue to increase profits ( Telefónica Group in 2010 , Vodafone in 2010 , Deutsche Telekom in 2010 ), sometimes multiplied by 5 previous benefits such as Deutsche Telekom by 30% as the Telefónica group.

Are justified Traffic control measures? Is not it possible to improve the infrastructure without further increasing the benefits?

BEREC pero, Did not Distinguish the instances of outright blocking from Those Are Offering WHERE OPERATORS But the service Requiring Additional payments, and Did not Indicate The Economic Significance of These payments. These Are Essential Issues Which Need to Be Further clarifier.

The Group acknowledges that Digital Agenda there is some obscurity in the practice of charging for the use of certain protocols, which differs from the blockade, which it finds itself clearly illegal under the 2009 directive.

There are ways to control traffic is not focused on privileging some services over others, explains the statement itself, but there are those who have been identified as dangerous, as well recognized.

- Packet Differentiation Allows Different classes of traffic to Be Treated Differently, for example for Which services require real-time communication Such as live streaming of audio or video events and VoIP. This Differentiation guarantees a certain minimum quality of service to end-users.  
- IP routing allows ISPs to route packets via different communication paths to avoid congestion or provide better services. For example, an Internet Service Provider may route packets towards a server that contains a copy of the requested information which is located either in its network or somewhere close.  
- Filtering allows an Internet Service Provider to distinguish between “safe” and “harmful” traffic and block the latter before it reaches its intended destination. 
The history of the European Union considers as competitiveness is full of restrictions on business practices (and Spain, has suffered multiple times), and yet, on this occasion, the decision is opposite.

Transparency is a key part of the net neutrality debate.

Will it be enough transparency to ensure a truly neutral? Who will control the transparency? What kind of measures Traffic control will be effective?

His conclusion is that we must keep an open Internet, but (I'd say) that open and transparent is the same.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Happened To

News of the week: Google and Apple are watching us, the fallibility of the cloud and Obama and the internet identification

This week has been three headlines, although not directly with many legal if implications for procurement, security and privacy.

On the one hand the discovery that Apple and Google, using their mobile phones or mobile operating system, tracking the location without the consent of its users. The case of Apple security researchers discovered Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden and demonstrate it by creating an open source application called iPhone Tracker, for anyone to check. Apple tracked by GPS and triangulation of the towers of network (although this is not new, for years has been the tracing).
The problem is that the file where data is not encrypted and can be used by hackers and of course Apple, which has been tracking these files. Has given no explanation about it, but may be just the opposite of popular ad promised in 1984.

Furthermore Amazon services in the cloud (Amazon EC2) had a fall taking with them a numerous third party web services such as Quran, Reddit or Foursquare. Any contractual reliability of 99.5% is acceptable?

And finally the Obama Administration has come up with a proposal from identification to access the Internet, with safety as valid for the same. Big Brother VS Security and Insecurity and privacy. What do we prefer?

Iron Poisoning From Rust

Telegraph SICARM Ideas 2011: Day 2 (3)

What lies beyond the electronic signature?

Summary: Electronic Human? What is identity? What is eID? Electronic authentication? Regulation, regulation in Europe, possible solutions, Regulation it should be, Innovation, Semantic Web 3.0 (Next level of innovation), the DNI-E IS NOT EVERYTHING

- Human-mails?
  • Need minimum level of security and confidence.
  • Human projected to the electronic environment.
  • Concerning the real world:
    • Electronic Identity.
    • performance capacity
    • Do can hire?.
    • electronic signature.
    • electronic evidence.
  • is not technology but social perception.
- What is identity?
  • Data protected by Data Protection Act.
  • Identity is not a monopoly -> need more vendors of electronic signature.
    • There is no data identity and acknowledge (nickname).
  • Conflict: Identity VS VS privacy evidence.
  • Using partial identities-> Coexistence of multiple mechanisms of identification according to the optimum level of safety.
- What is eID?
  • OECD. Social concept of electronic identity.
  • Linkedin, bank password, facebook ... Are identity?
  • Identity Internet is something:
    • Social .
    • subjective.
    • MVP: danger of identity theft.
    • Reference: companies that are concerned that not supplant.
    • Compound: This distributed and even third parties can make it grow by adding aspects.
    • Dynamics: Subject to change.
    • potentially misleading.
    • "Reliable? Not all, but at least every electronic identity in a given area appears to us that we should give confidence level.
- electronic authentication?
  • technical mechanism.
  • eGovernment-> There is no implied consent.
  • Password?.
  • digital certificates.
  • Electronic ID:
    • Monopolistic .
    • very expensive.
    • Null level of use.
    • Little interoperability outside Spain.
    • Unsafe or insecure applications.
  • admitted problems of the DNI-e:
    • financial sustainability.
    • data was stolen by Trojans.
    • can not use pseudonyms certificates.
  • complex ecosystem example -> XBOX
    • No fraud.
    • check Null values \u200b\u200band reputation against.
    • socially accepted.
  • need to manage identities = need to supply different identification mechanisms.
- Regulation:
  • national security schemes.
  • No need for high -> Most of the time password would have sufficed.
  • other media are restricted electronic signature (contrary to European legislation).
  • allows advanced signature and other forms.
- Regulation in Europe-> Action Plan COM (2006) 173 final (PDF) -> not yet been fulfilled.

- Possible solutions:
  • Identity Federation:
    • Various local systems of identity.
    • Many providers interoperable.
    • will not be able to identify a German DNIe in Spain but there will be federated authentication (check if true in Germany).
  • centralized model.
    • Provider centralized Europe.
- regulation should be:
  • Recognition of multiple identities per person.
  • identity providers + capacity of each identity (recognition skills and not people).
- Innovation.
  • Three challenges:
    1. delegate to the citizen's identity management.
      1. That this may allow others to manage on their behalf.
      2. Using identity as a legal representative.
      3. Using identity in the cloud. Example: A document is accessible by various administrations (google docs)
    2. Social Networking for administrative activity.
      1. Linkedin with state employment services.
      2. Syndication identity -> Branch report directly to a Facebook profile.
    3. power performance with privacy protection.
      1. Is it necessary provided maximum protection?
      2. Reconnecting with citizens through social networks.
- Semantic Web 3.0 (Next level of innovation).
  • machines talk to us.
  • council officer will go to computer in the CCAA, Social Security, Treasury, Justice.
  • The citizen must be submitted once.
  • The scheme reinforces the identity and consent.
  • Far from being applied today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Purged Dip System For Underground Tank?

Telegraph SICARM Ideas 2011: Day 2 (2) Ideas


Nacho Criado, Lorenzo Cotino and Julián Valero

Summary: Nacho Criado and Cotino Lorenzo made an interesting presentation of this panorama of openGov, their legal implications and future aspirations.

- Starting point: Obama's acceptance speech (transparency, participation and collaboration .) STOP

- Transparency, participation and collaboration What's new? Must be added: social networks and open government data. STOP

- Fashion or something temporary? Opinion personnel who writes: depends on universal access, neutrality and non-commodification the network.

- Fields: Political, public and citizens vs commitment, exposure and interaction. STOP

- New practices after the elections: political and administrative exposure on social networking. Dudas:
  • Who can enter?
  • How are the bills?
  • What kind of presence will there be? Personality? "Institutional?
  • How are the responsibility of the content?
  • What will be the behavior of citizens?
- Frontera: citizen participation. STOP

- Untold Story of OpenGovernment : May 68, Jesse Ventura 1998, Obama, Malmö Council 2009, FOIA 1996 ( Freedom of Information Act ) USA, Listed Companies ( example Debir be). STOP

- New Aspects (doubtful not be entirely "new") in OpenGovernement : Re Public (Policy), Free software, usability ( user-centered management), cooperation. STOP

- True new look OpenGov : Attitude 2.0 (use of networks, new collaboration, crowdsourcing , flexibility ). STOP

- What to do with social networks? Ahem Guide Using Catalonia.
  • The Administration is not my friend, not in the network.
  • The Administration should hear to networks. STOP
- What should you do right?
  • No encorsetar internet (Lo que esta haciendo) ni vaporlaw (inútiles).
  • Concretar.
  • Categorizar el servicio público de información.
  • Hacer tipología jurídica de la información: Institucional , sede electrónica, web , acceso, procedimiento , expediente..
  • Contacto informal ( email o redes sociales): con valor de compromiso de la Administración. Specify
  • intellectual property data.
  • Commitment update data.
  • Ownership and responsibility in each area. Regular
  • corporate identity.
  • content directly.
  • resolve conflicts
  • transparency - privacy.
  • pro-active attitude.
  • electronic access regulation (Directive 2001) and legitimate interest.
  • Freedom of Expression: The government has NO rights. Legal Notices
  • visible.
  • visible Conditions of Use.
  • not all electronic signatures: Remaining anonymous when they are not essential identity. Anonymity reversible. Regular
  • participation : media, functional, structural, subject, records and instruments. Scope
  • internal motivation, promotion and training.
  • not be afraid of privacy. Privacy rational. STOP

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bump On Lip By Lip Piercing

SICARM Telegraph 2011: 2 day (1) telegraph

Public Innovation Plan of the Basque Government (Excellent Inaki Ortiz)

- The Administration continues to society as a shadow, even at a distance.

- Current Conditions:
  • Network Society: greater interaction between people, citizenship 2.0. Ethics
  • hacker and free software.
  • E-Management: new business models.
  • problems that transcend a single state - network solution. New
  • idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment: interdepartmental collaboration versus single department.
- Purpose: Modernization, Simplification and e-quality.
- Cardinals:
  • Order the back, range of services organized as a whole.
  • underutilized infrastructure, less than 15% of services, but able to give 90% with low additional cost.
  • industrialize processes: parameterization creation of forms and tasks.
  • Leading by example overcome technical difficulties (self-administration training) and training, to stop dealing with paper.
  • Interoperability. Signing of Agreements: Inland Revenue, Ministry of territorial policy, INE, ID, Social Security.
- Innovation Plan:
  • Objectives: Full development, transparency, participation, collaboration and efficiency.
  • Media: Unify plans of different departments and involve staff and departments.
  • Identify areas of performance, assigning work tables (administration territorial, national and targeted agents).
  • Communication: Blog, facebook, twitter, linkedin
- Looking forward: Government as a platform, participation, citizen responsibility and accountability of public service. 100% of the available services. Proactive Services (Minimum requirements to citizens, eg: pre-filled scholarship if the student meets the requirements.)

- Problem: Schema interoperability, data libraries, inner workings of protocol translation.

- Comment: Inaki Ortiz has more human description of e-Government I've been lucky enough to read, see or hear. The accurate structure of effort that is taking place from the Basque government is paying off an enviable pace.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cubase Sx Mac Dongle Hack

SICARM Ideas 2011 - Day 1

Cloud Computing - Before you have to worry about a plan output. STOP

- Trend of hybrid model. STOP

- Sector is still discussing its safety standards. STOP

Social Networks

- Technology Penetration in Spain: 68% in English online. 96% daily. STOP

- Adsense € +400 million in España.STOP

- Change in content consumption. STOP

- Advertising for young people: training habits and ability to influence household consumption. STOP

- Problem of local legislation with global initiatives. STOP

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Colour To Paint Exposed Beams

America "Senator Carl Lewis?


New York .- The exatleta American Carl Lewis, nine-time Olympic champion, launched on Monday 10 his political career, announcing his intention to compete for the Democratic Party on one of the seats in the Senate in New Jersey.

"When I race I can see my history, I run to win," said Lewis, 49, in a press conference in the town of Mount Holly (New Jersey), where he announced his leap into the race policy to help the younger families and older people in the current hard times.

The famous medal, which in 2005 returned to New Jersey, place where he grew up, and said he will not rest until you are sure that "families can afford to live and raise their children here, and that our seniors can stay in their homes and afford their medical and pharmaceutical treatments." "I will be the people's candidate. I'll break down all barriers that can," said Lewis, who said it was a good friend of the governor of New Jersey, Republican Chris Christie, but said that, to win the Senate seat no plans to start "bipartisan bickering."

Lewis will be presented for election to the Senate from New Jersey to try to gain representation in the district eighth of the state, an area dominated by Republicans and whose seat is currently occupied by the politician of that party Dawn Addiego. "I'm proud of where I come from, proud to be back here and ready to serve the taxpayers of this great state that gave me so many wonderful opportunities," said the American sports star.

The athlete, who was born on July 1961 in Birmingham (Alabama) and is a volunteer coach at a college in that area near the state of Pennsylvania, announced it will soon present a more comprehensive policy agenda, although stressed that the quality of education in schools neighboring state of New York will be a priority. Elections to the Senate and House of Representatives from New Jersey, both currently under Democratic control, will be held next November and Monday was the deadline for nominations.

Beastiality Among Sailers

Filter the Draft Law Regulations

Reason here (in pdf).

Service Initialization Failed(0x065d0274)

Sinde Sinde: Minister Buenafuente

Sinde: "... the English publishing industry accounts for 2% of GDP"


Reality: The publishing industry is less than 0.35 % of GDP, newspapers and magazines add 1% of GDP. "

I refer to the analysis of Ricardo Galli explains it perfectly.

And a few more details:

telecoms sector, Telefonica and Vodafone only account for 3.5% GDP is a growing sector in 1997 and accounted for 2.5% as Price Waterhouse . The ICT revenue ratio to GDP for 2009 is about 9.56% according to the National Observatory telecommunications. Only members of ASIMELEC (Multi-Sector Association of Information Technology, Communications and Electronics) accounted for 4.5% of GDP in 2010 .

Monday, April 11, 2011

Marathi Poems About Retirement

"Do not do": The basis of reverse psychology Privacy

Reverse psychology, also called paradoxical intention or reactance is an emotional reaction in direct contradiction to what may be considered "correct." In this way can cause a person to take or harden a point of view or attitude contrary to the intended and also increases resistance to persuasion. To see the effect is nothing better than a video on the subject, but I honestly do not explain much, but at least if you're curious.

This is a method frequently used in scams or unethical sales made by manipulating the consumer to make a choice not necessarily choose using logic. Visit

Does U Smile Whitening Expire

uninformed in Europe are discussed: Extension Copyright for the audio recordings to 95 years.

In 2009, discussed the expansion in the euro area of \u200b\u200bcopyright on sound recordings (music) age 50 to 95, in the congressional debate was reduced to 70 years and was not finally adopted by some countries not deemed necessary for reform.

discussed again this week and plan to turn the matter into a low vote for it to be passed more easily.

As presented various experts (mostly university doctors) this is the condemnation of the creation and culture to be subjected to large lobbies of the entertainment industry (read reported here English or this report in English ).

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mucous On Stool After Food Poisoning

Final vote against regulating the Net neutrality: the power of lobbyists Extension

Finally the House of Representatives of the United States voted against the measures set by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) against the possibility that suppliers establish measures to regulate traffic. To become law is the Senate.

I have already spoken in previous post about what is involved. Regulation is necessary as excessive regulation (this was not) is dangerous.

Internet debate between be an entirely commercial (such as television) or as a tool for the benefit of humanity and the possibilities for personal fulfillment.

And as the field is owned by companies, do not think the "Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde lui même far" is a valid axiom in this case. The lobbies have exerted pressure. The ball is on the roof of the citizens.


Net Neutrality: 7 worst case scenarios

And in the blog:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Large Hard Crusts In Nostrils

responsibility to managers of a forum: Explanation of case vs

On February 10 the Supreme Court upheld the conviction administrator for some opinions in your forum against Mr. Ramoncín.

What happened?

The forum of that site appeared words prejudicial to the honor of the aforementioned characters plus a montage of similar tone. These views of course had been issued by third parties, not by the board administrator.

Is responsible for the board administrator?

clearly not responsible intrusion of honor.

Why then is convicted?

honor The intrusion was not disputed in this process and the administrator has not been convicted. The problem is not complied with the obligations imposed LSSICE providers of information society.

The liability of directors under the applicable rules: And Directive 2000/31 LSSICE

There is no obligation to monitor the data previously may be unlawful if

The Law 34/2002 of the Society of Information Services and Electronic Commerce translation involves the law of the European Directive 2000/31/EC . This directive, article 15, does not impose on service providers "a general obligation to monitor the information to transmit or store, nor a general obligation actively to seek facts or circumstances indicating illegal activity, for services provided for in Articles 12, 13 and 14.

Conditions to be exempt from liability for illicit data

Thus Article 14 of the Directive provides for exemption from liability for hosting illegal data may be e articulates his provision in our domestic law in Article 16 the LSSICE as follows:

"a) not have actual knowledge that the activity or stored information that is unlawful or harms property or rights of any party liable for compensation, or

b) If they do, their best efforts to remove or make it impossible to access them. "

The key is therefore the actual knowledge .
What is actual knowledge?

LSSICE himself defined by Article 16:

"means that the service provider has actual knowledge referred to in paragraph a) when a competent authority has declared the illegality of data, ordered their withdrawal, refused access to them, or b) had declared the existence of the injury, and know the appropriate provider resolution without prejudice to the procedures for detection and removal of content providers that applied under voluntary agreements and c) other means of effective knowledge that may be established. "

is, when the head is informed by an administrative or a judicial decision. There can be no other means but that could be established (and in those "other means" supports the Supreme Court)

Did actual knowledge by the forum administrator?

was not to the extent indicated by the LSSICE, since neither communicated with him was an administrative or a judicial decision, and "other means" will highlight the importance of which later were impossible for lack of diligence is found by the court, the owner of the forum.

Initially the applicant was attempting to communicate with the head of the forum by sending two bureaufaxes, but these were not effective because the information was made available on the web was not consistent with the requirements of LSSICE or updated.

After that, he hired a private detective and once ascertained the identity of, the lodged a complaint. The contents were removed after the answer to the complaint, without the benefit of the resolution or court injunction.

What legal obligations is the responsibility of a forum?

Not just a forum, but for any service provider LSSICE establishes disclosure requirements. In particular art. 10 requires, inter alia, the obligation:

"have the means to both service recipients and to the competent organs, electronic access, permanently, easy, direct and free to the following information:
a) The name or corporate name; residence or domicile or, failing that, the address of one of its permanent establishments in Spain, his email address and any other information which would enable him to establish a direct and effective. "

What are these "other means" of knowledge effective?

The Supreme Court held that to apply the exemption from liability regime should comply with the advertising media to which the law requires.

This article will consider what these other means of effective knowledge "equal value" actual knowledge that the legal " to the one obtained by the service provider from facts or circumstances to enable eligible but logical inferences immediately or within everyone's reach, an effective understanding of reality in question. "Knowing that this is an interpretation more in keeping with the spirit of the directive that prevents Internet becomes a field of impunity.

The Court agrees that as was proven in previous instances, communication the administrator of the affected was impossible in terms of the LSSICE.

And with the updated data according to LSSICE do I have to remove any content that I ask for a particular?

This is the real problem that introduces this sentence, there is not an administrative body with jurisdiction or a court order telling me that some contents are illegal and therefore to be removed.

The Supreme Court considered along with the District Court: "that both the photo and the expressions used are an interference with the applicant's right to honor the obvious and said that was not accurate judicial decision to declare the wrongfulness of their content. "

And this is a problem: I can violate the rights of others

words, the Supreme Court grants the person responsible for the Web or the forum, the ability to decide who is and who is not an illegal content, obviating in the interests of justice, this decision may violate other rights such as freedom of expression of who gets that content.

Do we know all it's an illegal patent?

Internet is a field of view and host a forum, especially when this has a certain ideological bent, is that we become a privileged participant in society. To the extent that the Internet can not be a territory with impunity is understandable given this responsibility to service providers.

With great power comes great responsibility.

To learn more:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Untreated Dibetes And Red Blood Cells

Ramoncín Alert: Deep Packet Inspection. Unknown threats to net neutrality (I)

When we connect to the Internet are used many different technologies, but the end user concerned and occupied with the content want to visit him invisible. And in relation to the last post on the fallibility of HTTPS today introduce a security tool that can be at the same time, one of the greatest threats to our data: deep packet inspection (PDI) or deep packet inspection .

What do I need know to understand?

Well mainly that the information passes through Internet computers loooong before reaching its destination. Internet is governed by a protocol called TCP takes the information sent or received, the IP divided into small packets and puts a label to destination. Thus, when the packet is received by a computer that is not the intended recipient, you simply read the label and forwarded to its destination.

And the Deep Packet Inspection to paper have?

Then imagine
I send an email. My computer divides it into packets and puts labels to destination. These travel through the network but one of the routers that pick is not content to read the label but to analyze its contents.

Is it a security tool or a threat?

The main purpose is safety, as nuclear energy mainly produces less energy and pumps.

The Deep Packet Inspection has been proposed to increase the level of providing firewall security (firewall) since they only filter certain types of protocols, being exposed to attacks by other protocols.

and looking for patterns in the contents of packets, Deep Packet Inspection is a form of protection against attacks by suturing buffer, denial of service attacks and worms that can fit in one package. ( But its use in safety here ).

but also a company dedicated to security screening measures can be set using this technique to avoid unwanted leaks in outgoing packets of the same or avoid illegitimate uses of your network.

also our ISP (internet provider) could legitimately use it when we hired a parental control service.

O, upon court order, could be used to prosecute certain crimes.

In fact, even open source solutions exist for this purpose, as OpenDPI .

And as a threat?

(In the second part of this post (coming soon)).

To learn more:

Example service commercial DPI