Sunday, April 24, 2011

Iron Poisoning From Rust

Telegraph SICARM Ideas 2011: Day 2 (3)

What lies beyond the electronic signature?

Summary: Electronic Human? What is identity? What is eID? Electronic authentication? Regulation, regulation in Europe, possible solutions, Regulation it should be, Innovation, Semantic Web 3.0 (Next level of innovation), the DNI-E IS NOT EVERYTHING

- Human-mails?
  • Need minimum level of security and confidence.
  • Human projected to the electronic environment.
  • Concerning the real world:
    • Electronic Identity.
    • performance capacity
    • Do can hire?.
    • electronic signature.
    • electronic evidence.
  • is not technology but social perception.
- What is identity?
  • Data protected by Data Protection Act.
  • Identity is not a monopoly -> need more vendors of electronic signature.
    • There is no data identity and acknowledge (nickname).
  • Conflict: Identity VS VS privacy evidence.
  • Using partial identities-> Coexistence of multiple mechanisms of identification according to the optimum level of safety.
- What is eID?
  • OECD. Social concept of electronic identity.
  • Linkedin, bank password, facebook ... Are identity?
  • Identity Internet is something:
    • Social .
    • subjective.
    • MVP: danger of identity theft.
    • Reference: companies that are concerned that not supplant.
    • Compound: This distributed and even third parties can make it grow by adding aspects.
    • Dynamics: Subject to change.
    • potentially misleading.
    • "Reliable? Not all, but at least every electronic identity in a given area appears to us that we should give confidence level.
- electronic authentication?
  • technical mechanism.
  • eGovernment-> There is no implied consent.
  • Password?.
  • digital certificates.
  • Electronic ID:
    • Monopolistic .
    • very expensive.
    • Null level of use.
    • Little interoperability outside Spain.
    • Unsafe or insecure applications.
  • admitted problems of the DNI-e:
    • financial sustainability.
    • data was stolen by Trojans.
    • can not use pseudonyms certificates.
  • complex ecosystem example -> XBOX
    • No fraud.
    • check Null values \u200b\u200band reputation against.
    • socially accepted.
  • need to manage identities = need to supply different identification mechanisms.
- Regulation:
  • national security schemes.
  • No need for high -> Most of the time password would have sufficed.
  • other media are restricted electronic signature (contrary to European legislation).
  • allows advanced signature and other forms.
- Regulation in Europe-> Action Plan COM (2006) 173 final (PDF) -> not yet been fulfilled.

- Possible solutions:
  • Identity Federation:
    • Various local systems of identity.
    • Many providers interoperable.
    • will not be able to identify a German DNIe in Spain but there will be federated authentication (check if true in Germany).
  • centralized model.
    • Provider centralized Europe.
- regulation should be:
  • Recognition of multiple identities per person.
  • identity providers + capacity of each identity (recognition skills and not people).
- Innovation.
  • Three challenges:
    1. delegate to the citizen's identity management.
      1. That this may allow others to manage on their behalf.
      2. Using identity as a legal representative.
      3. Using identity in the cloud. Example: A document is accessible by various administrations (google docs)
    2. Social Networking for administrative activity.
      1. Linkedin with state employment services.
      2. Syndication identity -> Branch report directly to a Facebook profile.
    3. power performance with privacy protection.
      1. Is it necessary provided maximum protection?
      2. Reconnecting with citizens through social networks.
- Semantic Web 3.0 (Next level of innovation).
  • machines talk to us.
  • council officer will go to computer in the CCAA, Social Security, Treasury, Justice.
  • The citizen must be submitted once.
  • The scheme reinforces the identity and consent.
  • Far from being applied today.


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