Saturday, April 2, 2011

Untreated Dibetes And Red Blood Cells

Ramoncín Alert: Deep Packet Inspection. Unknown threats to net neutrality (I)

When we connect to the Internet are used many different technologies, but the end user concerned and occupied with the content want to visit him invisible. And in relation to the last post on the fallibility of HTTPS today introduce a security tool that can be at the same time, one of the greatest threats to our data: deep packet inspection (PDI) or deep packet inspection .

What do I need know to understand?

Well mainly that the information passes through Internet computers loooong before reaching its destination. Internet is governed by a protocol called TCP takes the information sent or received, the IP divided into small packets and puts a label to destination. Thus, when the packet is received by a computer that is not the intended recipient, you simply read the label and forwarded to its destination.

And the Deep Packet Inspection to paper have?

Then imagine
I send an email. My computer divides it into packets and puts labels to destination. These travel through the network but one of the routers that pick is not content to read the label but to analyze its contents.

Is it a security tool or a threat?

The main purpose is safety, as nuclear energy mainly produces less energy and pumps.

The Deep Packet Inspection has been proposed to increase the level of providing firewall security (firewall) since they only filter certain types of protocols, being exposed to attacks by other protocols.

and looking for patterns in the contents of packets, Deep Packet Inspection is a form of protection against attacks by suturing buffer, denial of service attacks and worms that can fit in one package. ( But its use in safety here ).

but also a company dedicated to security screening measures can be set using this technique to avoid unwanted leaks in outgoing packets of the same or avoid illegitimate uses of your network.

also our ISP (internet provider) could legitimately use it when we hired a parental control service.

O, upon court order, could be used to prosecute certain crimes.

In fact, even open source solutions exist for this purpose, as OpenDPI .

And as a threat?

(In the second part of this post (coming soon)).

To learn more:

Example service commercial DPI


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