Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mucous On Stool After Food Poisoning

Final vote against regulating the Net neutrality: the power of lobbyists Extension

Finally the House of Representatives of the United States voted against the measures set by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) against the possibility that suppliers establish measures to regulate traffic. To become law is the Senate.

I have already spoken in previous post about what is involved. Regulation is necessary as excessive regulation (this was not) is dangerous.

Internet debate between be an entirely commercial (such as television) or as a tool for the benefit of humanity and the possibilities for personal fulfillment.

And as the field is owned by companies, do not think the "Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde lui même far" is a valid axiom in this case. The lobbies have exerted pressure. The ball is on the roof of the citizens.


Net Neutrality: 7 worst case scenarios

And in the blog:


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