Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Happened To

News of the week: Google and Apple are watching us, the fallibility of the cloud and Obama and the internet identification

This week has been three headlines, although not directly with many legal if implications for procurement, security and privacy.

On the one hand the discovery that Apple and Google, using their mobile phones or mobile operating system, tracking the location without the consent of its users. The case of Apple security researchers discovered Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden and demonstrate it by creating an open source application called iPhone Tracker, for anyone to check. Apple tracked by GPS and triangulation of the towers of network (although this is not new, for years has been the tracing).
The problem is that the file where data is not encrypted and can be used by hackers and of course Apple, which has been tracking these files. Has given no explanation about it, but may be just the opposite of popular ad promised in 1984.

Furthermore Amazon services in the cloud (Amazon EC2) had a fall taking with them a numerous third party web services such as Quran, Reddit or Foursquare. Any contractual reliability of 99.5% is acceptable?

And finally the Obama Administration has come up with a proposal from identification to access the Internet, with safety as valid for the same. Big Brother VS Security and Insecurity and privacy. What do we prefer?


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