Sunday, April 17, 2011

Purged Dip System For Underground Tank?

Telegraph SICARM Ideas 2011: Day 2 (2) Ideas


Nacho Criado, Lorenzo Cotino and Julián Valero

Summary: Nacho Criado and Cotino Lorenzo made an interesting presentation of this panorama of openGov, their legal implications and future aspirations.

- Starting point: Obama's acceptance speech (transparency, participation and collaboration .) STOP

- Transparency, participation and collaboration What's new? Must be added: social networks and open government data. STOP

- Fashion or something temporary? Opinion personnel who writes: depends on universal access, neutrality and non-commodification the network.

- Fields: Political, public and citizens vs commitment, exposure and interaction. STOP

- New practices after the elections: political and administrative exposure on social networking. Dudas:
  • Who can enter?
  • How are the bills?
  • What kind of presence will there be? Personality? "Institutional?
  • How are the responsibility of the content?
  • What will be the behavior of citizens?
- Frontera: citizen participation. STOP

- Untold Story of OpenGovernment : May 68, Jesse Ventura 1998, Obama, Malmö Council 2009, FOIA 1996 ( Freedom of Information Act ) USA, Listed Companies ( example Debir be). STOP

- New Aspects (doubtful not be entirely "new") in OpenGovernement : Re Public (Policy), Free software, usability ( user-centered management), cooperation. STOP

- True new look OpenGov : Attitude 2.0 (use of networks, new collaboration, crowdsourcing , flexibility ). STOP

- What to do with social networks? Ahem Guide Using Catalonia.
  • The Administration is not my friend, not in the network.
  • The Administration should hear to networks. STOP
- What should you do right?
  • No encorsetar internet (Lo que esta haciendo) ni vaporlaw (inútiles).
  • Concretar.
  • Categorizar el servicio público de información.
  • Hacer tipología jurídica de la información: Institucional , sede electrónica, web , acceso, procedimiento , expediente..
  • Contacto informal ( email o redes sociales): con valor de compromiso de la Administración. Specify
  • intellectual property data.
  • Commitment update data.
  • Ownership and responsibility in each area. Regular
  • corporate identity.
  • content directly.
  • resolve conflicts
  • transparency - privacy.
  • pro-active attitude.
  • electronic access regulation (Directive 2001) and legitimate interest.
  • Freedom of Expression: The government has NO rights. Legal Notices
  • visible.
  • visible Conditions of Use.
  • not all electronic signatures: Remaining anonymous when they are not essential identity. Anonymity reversible. Regular
  • participation : media, functional, structural, subject, records and instruments. Scope
  • internal motivation, promotion and training.
  • not be afraid of privacy. Privacy rational. STOP


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